Quick update, my chufa plants are about 4" tall right now. I used them as a border and they do make a nice ornamental grass. Well see how they are come harvest time. :D
The last thing I canned that didn't set I added no sugar needed pectin to it and tried again. It worked.
I guess you could add more sugar, more regular pectin and try again.
I have tried starting corn early and then transplanting. It seems to be hit or miss. I am not going to bother next year. Just put all the seeds in the ground.
This sounds yummy!
And yes, the ducks are cute. Makes it hard come freezer camp time...so I have only been sending obnoxious drakes to Camp Kenmore :D
The only bird I am having trouble with is my duck Shelley! She has figured out a new way to escape from the pen and has wiped out a bed of kale, a bed of lettuce, and a bed of swiss chard. If she wasn't so cute she would be on the grill by now :P
I picked up a couple of buttercup squash plants. Despite the squirrels digging them up at one point, they seem to be doing well. I also planted some organic blue pumpkin. Those are getting big.
Because hard winter squash can store for so long I don't really think there is such a thing as "too...
I have a vitamin cottage near me so I can get all kinds of weirdness :). Whole foods also carries them. If you have to order online, check out www.netrition.com or www.oilsbynature.com
It is a darn good thing I went out and cut them all. I found about a dozen little green caterpillars when I was cleaning the leaves. I also found a couple of clutches of white fly eggs. Looks like I got to everything just in time.
I used the more tender leaves to make a 2.5 qt batch of coleslaw...
This is my first year growing it. It should have headed by now but our weird weather was really cold for a long time and now we are going to hit record highs. So no real hope of it heading, so I cut it back.
Allegedly it can be cut and come again. Is this true??? Anyone try this?
If it's not...
I keep it really simple. Chive vinegar, olive, walnut or almond oil (walnut is really yum), fresh ground pepper, sea salt, a little fresh thyme, and a touch of honey. Sorry, i don't measure so I can't be more specific. just taste as you go.
This dressing is really good on a salad made of...
I use fresh herbs and strain everything out before the final bottling. You could put in a fresh sprig at bottling time if you wanted to make it decorative.