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  1. R

    Why do you grow pumpkins?

    :):):)For Charlie Brown, of course!!!!!:):):)
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    Are the husband, two boys and one girl old enough to help? Seems with your current problems, they might be a big help.
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    Slimy Okra

    If you saute it long enough, the slime disappears. I have had a lot of success this summer cooking it in a crockpot. I cook it like a gumbo: lots of cut okra, chicken stock, onions, celery, bell pepper and a little roux, cook it on high until no longer slimy (and yes, it will eventually reach...
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    New garden photos! ***DUW***

    Very nice! Love the zinnias!
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    Has anyone given up on carrots?

    You might want to re-think that compost thing. Carrots need a very consistent soil structure to prevent forking and fresh compost unless screened very finely might cause problems.
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    When to plant fall crops?

    Sorry, can't help you down here. I start my Fall garden in a month or so while you are getting ready for snow! The previous posts are exactly right: consult your local extension agent or long-time gardeners in your area.
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    OKRA, First timers question?

    Glad to hear it dickiebird! Keep on pickin'! Like kenman said, once it starts, it really produces.
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    OKRA, First timers question?

    Thanks, b b h !
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    OKRA, First timers question?

    Wow, BigBrownHorse, THANKS for the suggestion! I had never heard of that. I have a dehydrator and will definitely try it. Just salt it and then dry it?
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    OKRA, First timers question?

    P.S. Clemson Spineless is a very good variety but I just don't like the ridges and its tendency to get hard quickly.
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    OKRA, First timers question?

    Yes, Texan, I do fudge a bit by only picking every other day! With Louisiana Green Velvet I can get away with it. And no, seedcorn, they don't like cold AT ALL! The sad part for those who have trouble growing okra is that about mid-September they will still be producing very well but I'll...
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    HiDelight, thanks for the kind words. I guess when you have lived in the same area all your life you tend to forget about its good qualities! You have made the right points. I love the greeness and the ability to have a garden year-round. Glad you enjoyed your visit and y'all come back...
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    Mucho Cucumbers

    I think that should be "muchos" cucumbers!
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    OKRA, First timers question?

    Yes. The flowers should last only one day open, then close and the okra pod will begin to develop. I don't know your growing conditions but here where I am with lots of heat and humidity they are ready to pick a couple of days after the flower falls off. I pick every other day. If you let...
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    seedcorn, by "cajun" variety do you mean Louisiana Green Velvet? That's what I grow. I produces a round pod without ridges.
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    Yes, HiDelight, we are also "blessed" with very high humidity! We are about 20 miles from the Gulf. And I really am going to have to try okra curry!
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    HiDelight, our "nirvana" is currently running at 100 degrees in the afternoons! PLEASE, PLEASE come and get some of it! By the way, my okra is going crazy. I have to pick it every day or it gets too big. Also, I grow Louisiana green velvet variety. An old standby.
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    Davaroo, are you sure you don't mean the hibiscus family? It is a member of the mallow family, along with cotton and hollyhocks etc.
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    Summer season Garden is over

    The plants you mentioned would make in the Fall but the problem is to keep them alive during this hot weather. If you pull everything out, you might want to plant some field peas just to cover the ground and improve the soil. Turn them under a couple of weeks before planting your Fall garden...
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    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    Thanks, HiDelight! Sounds great and since I have been experimenting with some curry dishes lately I can't wait to try it! And I will definitely take you up on the offer of trading some cool weather for our hot weather. Supposed to be 101 Wed. and Thurs and with our humidity it will be brutal...