One of the babies :)
While I am bummed out about the apples, the pear tree looks good. A good pear and grape harvest will help me get over my apple woes :D
I hope so!!! I have baby grape clusters everywhere!!! :weee :tools
2 years ago I got 50 lbs off of one plant :D I am hoping to top that since one of our apple trees took the year off. Not even one blossom!
I had several areas in the grassy yard where just dug holes, added my tomato plants, placed newspapers all over the grass around it, then topped with a thick layer of duck compost. I had my best tomato harvest ever last year doing this. Grass popped up in a few spots. More newspaper and more...
You do have to get over the cute factor. It was tough for the ducks. Rabbits, it is easier for me. I have a scar where I was scratched by an I'll tempered buck. My brother is actually missing a finger tip because of a rabbit.
We are FINALLY getting some sunshine. Maybe now all my plats will finally start sprouting. I actually dug around in the ground yesterday because I thought my corn seeds had gotten eaten by the local doves. Turns out the seeds are plump and do have a tiny root. They are just waiting for the sun...
I am also still interested. I am also looking for chickweed. I have seeds or plant starters to trade or $$. I am getting ready to order some of the net, so if anyone here would rather get the order, please let me know :)
I grew them last year. flavor was good but not spectacular. They are also prone to splitting. None of my other tomatoes split, but about half of the Cherokees did.
They had no problem with our cool nights so if you have weather issues, this would be a good variety. They still beat store bought...
This year is my first time growing taters. I bought organic yukon gold and purple potatoes form a health food store. Since the taters were small I just put the whole potato in. Mine are growing like mad. I planted mine in garbage cans with mesh bottoms. I am already adding more compost.
Last year we had some 80's in April. Not this year. I think there were a few days we hit 69, but it was quickly followed by snow or other such nonsense. There are about 4 distinct weather zones between where I am and the northern part of Colorado Springs with lots of micro-climates in between...
It has taken weeks for my beans to sprout. Still waiting on the corn. The stuff I started inside and transplanted is doing ok, but not growing fast. TODAY is the first day it has gotten over 70 around here so, while I am impatient, I am not surprised :P