What is the second plant? That flower is so cool!! The poppies grow like weeds out here in the spring. They are so pretty when you're driving down the freeway. They come in pink, too. :)
That's what my mom was saying... yellows, whites, pinks. I'm in such a purple, blue and soft pink funk!
I'll have to run over to Armstrong Nursery and see what they have! :throw
Steve- I got your PM. Very interesting!! :lol: My husband wants to give it a shot.
For everyone else... http://ag.arizona.edu/yavapai/anr/hort/ evice.html
Yes! That looks so pretty. I saw something in Better Homes where they took two hanging baskets and made a flower ball. I'm not sure I'm talented enough for that :lol: but it was such a neat idea.
I would probably make my own, too. I've seen them at Home Depot and Lowes (seriously, the nurseries...
My husband has shot several with a pellet rifle and we're not below stuffing bottle rockets down their holes. BUT... we're out of bottle rockets and they are illegal in my county and just about every county around me. I'll have to see if I can pick some up when we're in Vegas next weekend.....
I'm a little scared of roses because they have so many diseases, etc. I have noticed that the landscapers use some sort of thornless rose, and they come in several colors, but they don't seem to grow too large. I'm looking more for "up" and not "out".
As far as curb appeal, can you suggest some...
I want these things dead. I also need to know how to get rid of them quickly if they come back. We are putting new grass in but can't until this problem is taken care of. This is the first year they have shown up.
Any more ideas?
DH and I have worked really hard to make our yard look nice. When we bought it four years ago, you literally could not see the house because the yard was covered in overgrown, ugly trees and huge box hedges. Everything was enormous and overgrown... no flowers, no appeal at all.
The first thing...
Uh oh... we used to get that thistle up in Idaho (or something very similar to it). I don't know what it's called. I only know it as "bad plant" because that's what I called it when I was really little! :gig
I just leave mine in the ground, but we don't frost. I don't know how they would do otherwise. This is the second year I've had them and I've never split them. To be honest, I don't know if I would know how to! :th
My favorite is the Candy Cane. :love
Long time no post... I'm usually on BYC!
Anyway, DH and I live on a half acre with our dogs, horses and chickens. We had a gorgeous back lawn and just as I was planting a veggie garden and starting to dig into other areas, the gophers came. We battled with them and won but still managed to save...
It will send up shoots, don't worry! I really don't do anything special for mine. They are in the front planter box so they are lightly watered once a day (except we've just cut out two days to save water and money) and I don't give them any fertilizer. They have the same sun conditions as yours.
Have you seen the cookie stuff in a jar? It's just a mason jar with all of the ingredients (layered so it looks cool) with a cute fabric swatch on the top, with a bow, and a cheap little wooden mixing spoon. They are $10, and people buy them! :th I could buy the premade straight in the oven kind...
The kind that can hold horse poop. :lol:
Seriously though... Ken is going to see if he can get some barrels from work that they just throw away anyway and use them for "trash cans". If people have extras, that would be great, but don't go buying trash cans just for this! LOL
Hey, I can only keep so much of it around here! :barnie Three weeks is stretching it unless you have some trashcans you can let me borrow... I'll just keep filling them up! :gig
It's not alive... It looked like it when I went to take the picture... I asked him if he was SURE it was dead!
And no, Drumstick wasn't shot for being in the corn! :gig He was shoo'd out though!