You'd hate it around my house... I'm a professional fly killer... and I scream for my DH when I see a spider. If he doesn't come fast enough, I unload half a can of whatever I can find on it. :o
They smell great, don't they? I have my eye on a couple more... There is a lady in the OC that grows them. My birthday is next month and I need to come up with a list!! :lol:
You can also hand pick the caterpillars and put them in a glass of soapy water. They sink under the suds and drown. I think you may be able to spray roses with the soapy water?
Hi Cory-
I think April has the right idea. Is there a nursery in your area that you can show the bugs to? Maybe they know of something you can companion plant to keep those bugs away.
jdypat- You can go to the Sunset Gardens website to find your zone. In the west, we actually have two different zone charts because my weather can be so different than BackyardBuddies, even though we are only miles apart.
My Western Sunset zone is 18 but I have no idea what my other one is.
Well, you'll find me outside, all gung-ho, the first good weekend of spring. Ask me about my progress a couple of months from now when it's 100 degrees out! :barnie
BTW... The beds took me a few weekends to do. That was all weeds when I first started with it!
It's like this but small enough to fit in the back of a full sized pickup. It's really heavy, though, so it needs a trailer.
We won't be around next weekend anyway. But if someone has a car trailer, we can bring it for the manure spreading! Also, I "sow" :lol: approx. 96 gallons of manure a...
And slap a house on it... It would go for a million. :he
I would offer my husband and his Kabota tractor (it would be PERFECT for clearing that space) but we don't have a trailer for it. Drats.