Had not caught anything in the trap so I used a bigger one and caught a cat. I hope it learned a lesson and won't come around anymore. I really want to get this skunk out of here.
Also we just got 25 Maran chicks yesterday, so I had better get moving on the outdoor projects real fast!:)
I put some canned dog food in a small plastic container and duct taped it to the bottom of the trap. I think it got all the food because the distance from the back of the trap to the trigger is too short. Tonight the bait will be taped in upside down so the critter has to work a little to get it...
Actually the dogs have no interest in the smell coming from under the coop at the entrance. So I don't think predator urine would do much except get the dogs excited. The dogs are not allowed in that part of the yard until this is over. Bill at the feed store said that skunks will kill poultry...
I do have a trap that will work and I agree the skunk and the turkeys could probably live together with no problems. The issue is that we have three dogs and that is a lot of bathing if they get sprayed. Been there done that, not fun. When this is finally over hardware cloth will surround the...
Well the turkeys are FINALLY out of the house. Did you know that turkey poults are the size of adult chickens at 7 weeks? I didn't.
Now the coop is refurbished and 95% done.
All new plywood walls and new doors. Finished construction and got two coats or primer on just before sunset.
I planted grocery store garlic last October with the garlic from the garden center. So far all three varieties are growing well and the plants are all pretty much the same size. Although none of them are happy with the single digit temps they have seen in the last few weeks. :(
Since we are supposed to get 1"-12" of snow Monday/Tuesday I put down some pre-emergent and planted a flat of tomatoes. Always feel like I'm behind schedule this time of year when deep down I know I'm not. It's still early.
Those look beautiful! Do you vernalize the seeds before sowing or did they go from the seed packet directly in the ground? Also how long did they take to germinate? :thumbsup
My right knee is totally shot, bone on bone and a host of other issues. Got fitted with a custom made brace and have been relatively pain and drug free for 3 years. At most a little Advil is all it takes to be comfortable.
The MRI was $1000.00 and the brace was $600.00 but it was much cheaper...
Thanks MontyJ, I split the top and put hinges on today and added some light.
Now it is easier to open and take care of business.
They seem to be rather calm and very curious and respond to my calls that poorly mimic their own calls. As for handling they are ok with it and really don't panic...
Thanks Thistle, the roads are finally clear enough to get to the hardware store for some hinges. I think I'm going to split the lid and put hinges at both ends so there is at least half coverage for cleaning time.
They sure are growing fast and love to run and jump/fly! :)
Just finished a new brooder for the turkeys. Since we are getting 25 Marans in May I thought to make big enough them as well.
No hinges on the lid yet, I'm out of them and with today's blizzard I can wait a day or two. :D
It's 53" Lx24"Hx35"D all made with free scrap lumber a fun project for...