I picked a couple carrots this afternoon to nibble on for a healthy snack, nothing like a garden snack. Well I only ate one and the other just sat on the table, I thought I was just going to throw it in the compost pile later and went on with my day. Well later I decided to throw some ribs on...
I've been unemployed for about 3 months now, at first I didn't know what to do with myself till about 4 weeks into the layoff. I got the urge to keep myself busy to I started to renovate my house so it began and almost 4 months later now I haven't taken a day off till today when the temps were...
vfem, come to think of it last year was a warm spring and my cool weather crop was a bit bleak but still somewhat productive. I might go to my local farmers exchange today and buy a few seeds, can't wait to see greenery again.. :)
You're right Lesa, I think I'll start with lettuce. Desertcat, Thanks for the good luck wish, quite the mess to live with.. I'm about 20 miles south of Charlotte NC, like you I'm gonna start tomatoes inside and put them out mid April. I started beets, peas, lettuces February 15 last year but had...
I'm in zone 7b and itching to get started, I've got those 6 new beds ready for planting and am wondering what veggies I can plant now, is it too early for beets, lettuces, rutabaga or whatever else. Also I lost a good site that gave me good planting time info in my area, does anyone know of a...
I use an old mini blind, you get hundreds from just one blind, easy to cut, just the right width you get lots from one blind and your spouse will love the opportunity of being able to get a new blind put up. :lol:
I only pay attention to moon phases in April, after the full moon I put out my above ground plants like tomatoes, cukes and such. April is the time to plant for my area. And over the years I've noticed there is always a cold snap just before or at the full moon, has anyone ever noticed that?
Welcome to the garden forum Symphony, I live in SC, 20 miles south of Charlotte to give you an idea of what I do, I start my tomato plant indoors in early February and plant warm weather crops after the full moon in April, that is pretty much last chance of frost, you'll notice there will be a...
Ridgerunner is right, do some research and don't take off more that a third at a time. Last winter I pruned three apple and 2 pear trees, I over did it and ended up without one single fruit this past summer, so from now on I'll be very careful... It is true that the previous owners never pruned...
Nice job jhook!! raised beds to me are the best, the older ones I have I can weed easily, lots of times I can also turn the soil with just a had tool. I put a double layer of cardboard down after I build the bed then toss the compost on top of it, and I always get great results. The open garden...
Catjac, I've got carrots, onions and garlic in a couple of my beds now and it's dwindling fast tho, I can start planting cool weather crops in about 4 to 6 weeks, can't wait. :tools
Hunkie, I bought my compost at a landscaping place where they have big piles of mulch and stuff, we have a few of those places here in town, you might want to look in the yellow pages for your area and look for landscaping supplies, I'm sure you have them around someplace... and a yard of...
:) Mary, I'm not bragging I'm just trying to catch up to these folks in California, http://urbanhomestead.org/ they're growing over 6000 lbs of veggies on 1/10th of an acre! I'm so jealous! :/
Ninny, there is lots more room for more, only thing is you don't see the other 6 beds in the back yard:) Vfem, I would but I'm still trying to get over the back ache from shoveling all that compost.. :)