And I planted new seeds. I started Okra, Crookneck Squash, and Cucumbers. And for anyone who is wondering how I planted these to get all of them to sprout, I:
1. Got a plastic cup
2. Filled up a little less then half way with dirt
3. Added warm water and stirred with plastic knife until moist
You heard it, I have some sprouts!
Pattypan Squash
Planted: 3
Sprouted: 3
Spaghetti Squash
Planted: 2
Sprouted: 2
Planted: 3
Sprouted: 3
Tommy Toe Tomatoes
Planted: 2
Sprouted: 2
Early Girl Tomatoes
Planted: 4
Sprouted: 2
I got in my tomato seed and they are TINY! When should I transplant to outside? I got some bigger cups and put 4 seeds in. 2 holes with 2 seeds in each hole.
Sorry that I have so many questions, but what does it mean to harden them off? Is that where you slowly introduce them to the outside environment so they are use to it when you transplant? They should be coming in soon. I'm so excited!
Ive been up there! Ive been around Corning. And yes. I think its just too hot and dry to start them outside. During spring, we always either start outside or buy already started plants. When do you guys suggest I should transplant?
I wont get anything planted by the 20th like I wanted to. But, it wont be too long after. Here are the starter cups I have. I will definitely be planting the squash and other large seeds in bathroom cups.
Its this but I'm missing the bottom tray. I found it while I was cleaning out my great...
I'm ordering them tommorow and I'm hoping to plant them by the 20th. Should I do any soil prep? I'm starting them in a seed tray. Thanks and I'll keep you updated!
Thanks for tagging them.
Right now daily temps are about 100 degrees.
Can I cover them when it frosts and protect them so they can produce as late as possible?