1.) Stay away from metallic inks - do not compost or recycle bin them. This is just what it sounds like inks "mimicking" a metal look - actually does have metal.....Also do not recycle laminated or UV coated paper (plastic type sealers).
2.) Coated paper - coated on both sides (C2S) or only on...
Henry Fields doesn't have a good rep.
Not familiar with the other one.
Agastache is a drought tolerant hummingbird plant - So I want one, so I will be watching.....
A good plan of action is a plan, so you are off on the right foot.
Grouping plants with the same water requirements is obvious, using the least amount of space (do you know about Square Foot Gardening) and remembering how big these plants are going to be during the worst and/ or driest time...
My worm bin is just a rubber maid bin with holes drilled into the sides for ventilation, I just used the largest drill bit I had. Err on the side of too many, the worms if they are happy will not try to escape (they do not like light). If they do try to escape your bin has some kind of...
Well in a word.......dunno.. :hu if you are asking if this is an aerated leachate then yeh kinda.....if you are asking if this is a compost tea then....no, not enough "ingredients"..... But it still is aerated (good) and has the nutrients not only from the fish "manure" but any uneaten food protein.
Hi, well if you have chickens I would feed it to them, if not you can compost them or just dig a hole & bury them....the term Fish Meal comes to mind....as in this is what Fish Meal is made of. The only real concern is that it might attract rodents....so just bury it deep in the dirt or compost...
LOVE IT really like the fact they put right on the package something to the effect of - using too much will not harm & NORHELP - in other words less is more.....not letting you use too much and wasting your money but would benefit them if you did (have to buy more)....
I have clay/silt soil on...
The only thing I can think of is as a weed killer?
Pickle juice is really just really strong vinegar and vinegar is used as an organic weed killer..... just a thought.
Another vermicomposter :frow
Herbs are a great: easy, drought tolerant & thrives in "poor" soil. I like my parsley for my butterfly population, last year was the first time in years that I have seen a monarch. So this year I will plant extra.
Thought it would be interesting to find out what plants ya all find to be easy. Here are my top 3:
1.) Sunflowers - the birds love them, they replant themselves, are fairly drought tolerant (helpful for my zone) & they look so cheery. I love the skyscrapers. I plant those in the front of the...
Gotta admit not a big rose fan. With that said I do have more then 1/2 a dozen. They are underneath windows on the East, West & South side of the house. GREAT deterrent to someone wanting to break in that way. Not my idea, just liked it. Saw it on Donahue (many, many moons ago), he had a guest...
You are in Canada so your growing season is a LOT shorter then chicken_boy's. So if I were you I would start indoors but no more then 3-4 weeks before your last frost date. You may want to set up a cold frame to get them out even earlier.
When you go to plant I would amend a LARGE area - say 4...
That is LEACHATE.....
How do compost teas differ from compost extracts or compost leachates?
Compost leachatethe dark-colored solution that leaches out of the bottom of the compost pilewill most likely be rich in soluble nutrients; but in the early stage of...
1.) Plant garlic around the rose bush - helps keep away the nasties.
2.) Full Sun & let them have plenty of air circulation, I am in SLC, UT (DRY climate) & I still have leaf fungus problems in the spring. But only on the ones that are in partial sun & a crowded bed. For leaf fungus you can...
Do NOT use on house plants - they are in a "sterile" environment that doesn't house the proper organisms to properly break the grounds down. For house plants make them tea - regular black tea, they love the tetanic acid. I make a REALLY strong batch and will clean/polish the foliage then dilute...
Stirring is indeed adequate, but the bubblers are cheap, and make it idiot proof (hey I can outwit an idiot proof camera....).
Forgot to mention in my first post that you start off with DEchlorinated water. Chlorine is a great sterilizer but a bad fertilizer (actually its bad for the microbes...
Pickling vinegar is MUCH stonger, and should be used. I plant mine around my rose bushes read to do that in one of those books all about companion planting.
Carrots LoveTomatoes was the first one, the follow up book was called Roses Love Garlic both are by Louise Riotte.