I am in the process of deciding what kind of fence to surround my vegetable garden with. Last year I didn't have a fence and I think the chickens, deer, squirrels and the dog got more out of my garden than we did. So this year, we are expanding the garden and fencing/gating it in. The garden...
Hi Liberty7!
Moles! Yikes! I'd try the juicy fruit idea. Heck, what kind of commitment is a pack of gum? If it doesn't work, no big loss.
I just love Jerry Baker. Remember when he had a tv show? I credit him for getting me excited about gardening so many years ago.
I see you're in Arkansas, so warmth probably isn't much of a concern for you.... but here in the frozen wasteland, my father plants his tomatoes in old tires. The heat reflecting from the tires helps his tomatoes grow faster. I've also planted potatoes in tires - slowly making them taller and...
I give away about 2 dozen starters every spring - man they're prolific! I'm sure if you found someone locally and stopped by to ask, they would GLADLY dig up some suckers for you. I do it all the time.
TanksHill, I like your story about the kids garden. We have a large raspberry patch that my kids adore. Whenever ANYONE stops by the house, they are out there with a bowl, collecting berries for our guest to eat on the road. Most never make it into the house here either. Man, they are GOOD...
Hi All and Happy New Year!
I got a bug in my bonnet about growing plums this year. I'm in zone 4 (Minnesota) - any good recommendations or referrals on where to start looking?
My Dad told me that he grew Italian plums as a boy in Idaho - that's a zone 6. He seemed to think that they'd be...
Pat, this sounds wonderful! We roast a bushel of tomatoes every fall and then keep them in the freezer for this and that, but making sauce just gets me one step closer to dinner. I'm going to try is!
Thanks a million!