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  1. jamespm_98

    Where do you buy your seeds?

    Thats correct, I left out the "Exposure", oops! Already have mine earmarked with things I need to order.
  2. jamespm_98

    Where do you buy your seeds?

    I like Southern Seed Saver Exchange, but I am mainly intersted in hierlooms. I find the bigger seed companies like Parks or Burpee seem to be expensive relative to the amount of seeds you get.
  3. jamespm_98

    Too Little, or Too Much Seed

    I live about 30 minutes from Clemson University and they have a great Extension program. This is our states agricultural college. They have a seed savers program, organic farm as well as traditional farming information. I use the search on the extension website often for information...
  4. jamespm_98

    Weather Where You Are

    12 degrees in the upstate of SC. :rolleyes: We aren't use to this and we have a few more days of this weather in the forecast. Had to tuck in the rabbits and chickens last night to keep everyone warm.
  5. jamespm_98

    New Rabbits

    Yes we have a male and a female. We have already discussed with my daughters they cannot visit. ;) Both my girls are teenagers so they get it, but we don't want any accidents.:/ We may get another lop rabbit and breed them, but that is down the road.
  6. jamespm_98

    What I did wrong in the garden last year

    Things I did wrong 1) Planted my squash and zuchinni in a shaded area and had a total crop failure. The year before I had squash running out my ears and this year I had none. 2) Did not plant enough sweet corn 3) No luck with carrots, second year in a row and still no luck 4) Planted too many...
  7. jamespm_98

    New Rabbits

    Both are little over a year old. The white one is a male dwarf Hotot mix and is full grown at about 3 lbs. The brown one is a female Holland Lop and she is around 3.5 lbs. Both are small breeds. We didn't want big bunnies. I have never had rabbits, but I really like them, both of ours are gentle.
  8. jamespm_98

    New Rabbits

    I typically just use my chickens in the winter directly in the garden and sheet compost behind the chicken tractor with leaves and straw so it is broken down by spring. I find the chicken poop is well broken down with this method. With the rabbit poo I plan to just use it mainly for compost...
  9. jamespm_98

    Organic Apples

    Thank Hattie! I will do my research this winter and see if I can improve the little trees. Last year I got two peaches and no apples. The little apple trees are big enough to start bearing this year. Just from some quick reading on the links you provided I probable need to do some more work with...
  10. jamespm_98

    New Rabbits

    Thanks Lesa, we do have better winter conditions for animals than you, but it is in the 20s this morning with wind chills in the teens. I got a little worried about my roosters as I have had some issues in previous years with combs getting frost bite on the tips. I used some straw to block the...
  11. jamespm_98

    Organic Apples

    Does anyone have any ideas about raising apples and peaches organically? I have two dwarf apple trees and two dwarf peach trees and every year the little trees struggle. I see the trees at the orchards and they look great, but I know they spray them constantly. I want my trees to do well, but I...
  12. jamespm_98

    New Rabbits

    My daughters got rabbits for Christmas. I am happy about the new source of poo to add to the garden. We have built their hutch over the chicken run and plan to build a compost pile under them. Anyone else have this type of setup? I don't plan on letting the chicks and rabbits interact, but the...
  13. jamespm_98

    All Heirloom Seeds This Year!

    Heirlooms rule! :P Just ordered my Pinetree catalog, didn't know they existed. I am trying to go all heirlooms, over half my garden was heirloom last year. Now if I could just get myself to be displined to save seeds. I appluad your efforts to go with heirlooms, I think it is great to grow the past.
  14. jamespm_98

    Need ideas: Bean & squash varieties

    As far as pole beans are concerned you should take a look at a heirloom variety called Rattlesnake. It is availible through Southern Seed Savers or Clemson University has a seed savers organization that has them. I got mine from Clemson Univeristy. I tried them last year and they outperformed my...
  15. jamespm_98

    Got an idea! Chicken run + compost pile together.

    I have 4 chickens I run in a chicken tractor and we give them all the kitchen scraps. We often throw in coffee and tea bags. To be honest the chickens don't seem to even bother the coffee grounds. I am sure they eat a few since the scraps are all mixed, but I haven't seen any adverse effects.
  16. jamespm_98

    Potato Harvest

    I have had decent success with Red Pontiac and Irish potatoes this year. I plant mine shallow and then mulch them with leaves and grass clippings as they grow. Instead of just waiting for the potatoes to all come in at once, I just start pulling back the mulch and pulling out earlies as I need...
  17. jamespm_98


    I planted "Clemson Spineless" and "Cowhorn" varieties of okra. I noticed the Cowhorn seems to grow a little faster and the plants are a little bigger. Both are putting on a great crop, I just started cutting Okra about a week ago.
  18. jamespm_98

    Heirloom seeds

    Try southern exposure seed exchange at I ordered from them this year and had great luck, also the prices and shipping seemed reasonable.
  19. jamespm_98

    Maine Potato Farmer

    I have successfully used the plastic bag trick, however it is not very pretty. In fact if you look on my page at my garden pics back in 2006 you can see the plastic bags hanging on some string around the garden. :D
  20. jamespm_98

    My weird green beans (NEW PICTURE)

    What variety did you plant? This sounds really long for a normal variety. The almost sound like a type called "Yard Long".