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  1. chills

    How to properly store Dahlia tubers for Winter?

    o no. i thought in zone 9 i could just leave them in the ground. this was my first year trying dahlia's, so spring time will tell eh? i know lots of water (winter rains) will rot bulbs, so i guess i should of thought of that! i cant wait to see everyone's blooms come spring :D
  2. chills

    sowing zinnias and marigolds

    these are 2 of my favorite annuals. i put some seeds in my cold-frame and i think i started to early, i got nothing. my planting guide says marigolds can be planted in the ground in april and zinnias in march. so maybe i started to early, i will try again in about a week. the seeds may have...
  3. chills

    My Petunias are coming up.

    i just bought 2 6 packs of petunias to put in 2 hanging baskets i still need to hang. i hope that they will reseed for me each year. after i planted them i read an article that said i should cut holes in the sides of the basket moss stuff and plant the petunias out the sides to get a full bowl...
  4. chills

    Tips For A Great Onion Crop.......

    again boggybranch thanks for the info. i tried wintersowing for the first time this year and my onion choices are: Red Burgundy Onion, Spring onion and Evergreen Bunching Onion. Im excited they are about 3 inches tall, so perfect timing on the onion info! if i knew i was going to be successful i...
  5. chills

    Seven Ways to Plant Taters

    this is my first time trying potatoes im so excited, im trying a few different ways. im using the top of a plastic box that i saved from my homemade 'earth box'. also some 5 gallon nursery pots as the seeds grow i am going to use one of those flimsy tomato cages in the pot and cover with straw...
  6. chills

    Composting camellia blooms

    thank you, i go back and forth. this is what i found on line: Don't compost your camellia blooms because they're susceptible to a fungal disease known as petal blight. i just didnt want to pass on any cooties to future plants, but i hate to throw out a good source for my pile. here is my...
  7. chills

    Composting camellia blooms

    i have been searching online and get conflicting messages. im wondering do you compost your camellia blooms or throw them out? thank you.
  8. chills

    Anyone solarize their garden?

    i read up on it on the internet and thought it would eliminate the bad nematodes that i think i may have, but didnt get started early enough and only have small areas to grow in. On my list of to do for next year, maybe i'll get the cover crop down sooner and the plastic on, then get the...
  9. chills

    Growing basil with tomatoes

    boggybranch thank you for sharing! If the basil goes to seed does it change/ruin the flavor or taste? I'm still going to try, planted my seeds today, but I'm prepared if they go to seed.
  10. chills

    A rose "so now what?" question

    For my roses ( I dont know what kind they are), I clip them in bud form once the green leaves that surround the bud lay downward and put them in a vase to enjoy. But the red bloom roses I leave on the bush and enjoy them in the yard, they seem to die almost instantly in the vase. Once the red...
  11. chills

    Growing basil with tomatoes

    thanks guys .. i will plant some marigolds on the 'front line' and some basil in between .. last year was my first try at basil and it went to seed quick .. still learning when to use and when i waited to long ..
  12. chills

    Growing basil with tomatoes

    I've been reading about companion planting and I have a question on growing some basil along side my tomatoes. My question is what will happen if my basil goes to seed, I was not successful with keeping my basil from going to seed. Should i try to companion plant them, and just let the basil...
  13. chills

    2 pics of weeds or plants?

    UPDATE: well i have left the first picture alone, hes grown lots, but still no color to him?? still so very soft on the leaves, and seems to have gotten bushier .. he is about 2 feet tall now, and it looks like the stems might bloom a flower but it just gives more leaves?? do you still think...
  14. chills

    Can someone identify this weed?

    i have found also that the black fabric doesnt work good enough to justify the cost, i rather put the money somewhere else. last year i pulled and pulled out those weeds from my rose bed, this year i have not seen them return in that same area, they are still in my 'lawn' area. my roses look so...
  15. chills

    My garden cam link inside

  16. chills

    Lizards Of The Garden

    hello joe, i totally thought of you when i saw my new friend .. i call him lizzy .. i was cleaning up under my oleanders .. not the best photo but he was not inclined to do a photo shoot .. so after i thought of joe when i saw lizzy, i thought i am an organic girl! i have proof ..
  17. chills

    Porcini Paradise

    oh hidelight i am so excited for you and your chipmunk, i know nothing about mushrooms, especially the wild ones! what a wonderful time you guys must of had, those mushrooms really look ceramic to me .. i have noticed a few different types in my yard, but not like those!! thanks for sharing, i...
  18. chills

    Growing Grocery Store Produce

    i have no previous experience, but about a week ago i planted some organic garlic i bought at the grocery store, under my roses ..
  19. chills

    Hey newbie here! From Va

    hello and welcome! this is my first time trying a fall garden, i planted lettuce, carrots, beets, and peas .. oh and i also am trying a cover crop in 2 garden beds, my first time with that as well .. here in CA. i think i have about 240 days a years as a growing season .. everyone here is very...