i seemed to have struggled with my alyssum, i bought a 6 pack and killed them, then bought another 6 pack thinking i bought the first one to soon, killed the second pack .. my third 6 pack i put in total shade in front of my azaleas, they struggled all through summer and then all the sudden look...
i am curious to see if my roses will get them, i goggled a picture and im going to say no, but i have been known to not pay attention .. so i am going to keep an eye out ......
i cant wait to see your new rose joe
pink is a good color!!
joe that looks like a great toy, i would be very scared to have one, i usually slip my trimmers in my back (or front) pocket .. your toy seems to be a double edged sword, i'd probably seriously harm myself some how?!?
next year for mothers day im asking for a new pair of clippers!
i always feel like im bragging if i reply to posts about weather, im a CA girl, really a Sacramento CA girl -- all my life .. it still makes me shake my head when i read about everyones weather (and its beautiful here) .. our 10 day forecast is pretty much 80's maybe a drop to high 70's ..
well texan i have this illusion that all people who live in TX must have acres and acres, with that said i am sure you will totally need and use that toy .. now if we can custom fit one to my husbands ride on toy, he'd have my 1/4 acre city lot tilled in 2.2 seconds .. i probably could talk him...
i have to say, being a city kid and new to gardening, i have no clue what it is -- but i love love love new toys!!! im guessing its for tilling the soil..
eww gross ..
i have a university of CA website for bugs, they dont have a listing for Asian lady beetles, maybe they have not made it across the country yet??
still, eww..
ok so i have a question, i googled Asian lady beetles, i thought lady bugs were the good guys, how can i have to many?
they really come inside? .. and you vacuum them?? wow ..
ive never killed a lady bug so i dont know if they stink - so the stinky ones oblivious are bad and the not stinky ones...
no color yet, doesnt even look like a stem could be in the middle, i agree it looks like 3 different 'what evers' .. i took a photo, but really nothing has changed, the leaves are getting larger but thats it .. its kind of exciting ..
i dont know if it helps any, but the ones i get at the grocery store are not soft at all, a couple days on the counter and they change color and texture, soften up great and taste perfect too .. maybe you have to many to sit on the counter ..
hi links03rjean - dont let the good photo fool you, i am not good at roses or really anything green at this point .. i know how to work my camera more than i know how to grow things .. i agree with injunjoe there are quite a few talented people on this forum with lots of good info, if roses will...