ok today after a long day of fence repair we get back to the house to discover our water garden had been destroyed. it was full of yellow flag marsh iris( in full bloom) and purple water hyacinth. along with a bamboo fountian. well not anymore. it was strawn across the yard and the fountain was...
who needs blueberry bushes? we bought a place here in alabama this year and there was a fruit orchard already here. we have 15 blueberry bushes . i have already taken about 20 cuttings and have them potted up letting them grow till next spring. I am willing to part with some of them next spring.
lets see what am i planting .....4 rows of golden queen sweet corn with rattle snake pole beans and the pumpkins. 97 atkinson tomatoe plants, 14 jalapeno plants,the millet and sunflowers..also planted marigold and cosmos plants today.:barnie
hi i just happen to have some water plants.. i have yellow marsh iris, water hyacinths and sibirian iris which grows well near water it is purple in color . what part of ga are you in . i am very close to bowden .