I am not 100% sure on this one, but if the plant is not wilted from being flipped I think I would just leave it alone and it will adjust the leaves its self????
I will be taking my first canning class the end of July, while I have always used the recipes out of the Ball Blue Book, I am still looking forward to the class. Mostly interested in the pickle part of it.
If you do have to and can print a page from every place you like to visit. I counted on saving everything to a external hard drive and for some reason or other several places were not in my "Favorites" and I know I used to click on my "Favorites" to get to those places.
Had to reformat my puter and lost some of the forums I normally visited. I finally got around to searching for them and found this one again. TADA.
Well, we just sold and they towed it off a 38 foot 1985 Malard RV. He is going to put his new shed where the Rv sat, he has agreed that I can put a greenhouse behind the shed since we do have power and water right there.
Soooooooooooooo I guess I can forgive him. LOL
Last year I saved all the green paper boxes that our strawberries came in. 2 flats, 16 little green boxes. I saved them to transplant my seedlings in. I told DH "WHY" I was saving them.
Time to take my little seedlings out of their little pot and move them to a bigger pot. Went to the shed to...
This is my cukes, ???? Only 4 of 9 have came up?? I will give them a few more days then replant the empty spaces.
Waiting waiting waiting on the other seeds.
I do see one zuke.
Sylvie, are you farther north than Tennessee? I just don't think horseradish does well here.
Mine gets beautiful leaves in the spring and then dies. I have dug the roots and they are never nothing more than pencil sized. I have them planted in 2 tractor trailer tires that are stacked one on...
Wow there was a lot of reading here and very interesting, I do hope we never get that stuff in Tennessee, but a map I found while doing a search shows it in North Carolina.
I did find this link which may or may not be useful to you, it does have some things to say about natural control as well...
While it is true that there are bad things in tires, I think I will continue to use them.
Here is a link to a article that I read about using tires.
This is a quote from it.
"There is no appreciable risk in using recycled tires in the...
Mine did the same, I brought it back from Vermont where it made a huge plant in the yard. However here in Tennessee I think it is just too hot. It may be the same for you in Georgia.