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  1. R

    Fallen over zuchhini plants?

    I am not 100% sure on this one, but if the plant is not wilted from being flipped I think I would just leave it alone and it will adjust the leaves its self????
  2. R

    What I learned in canning class...

    I will be taking my first canning class the end of July, while I have always used the recipes out of the Ball Blue Book, I am still looking forward to the class. Mostly interested in the pickle part of it.
  3. R

    My Summer Garden is JUST BEGINNING & I'm beginning to cook the produce

    Not familiar with this term "courgettes". What are they please?
  4. R

    I found you all again

    If you do have to and can print a page from every place you like to visit. I counted on saving everything to a external hard drive and for some reason or other several places were not in my "Favorites" and I know I used to click on my "Favorites" to get to those places. Nancy
  5. R

    I found you all again

    Had to reformat my puter and lost some of the forums I normally visited. I finally got around to searching for them and found this one again. TADA. Nancy
  6. R


    Can you folks tell me for sure if this is Wisteria. It smells wonderful. I think if you click on the picture it will start a slide show. Nancy
  7. R


    I am laughing as I read this, are we married to twins???:lol::lol:
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    Well, we just sold and they towed it off a 38 foot 1985 Malard RV. He is going to put his new shed where the Rv sat, he has agreed that I can put a greenhouse behind the shed since we do have power and water right there. Soooooooooooooo I guess I can forgive him. LOL
  9. R


    Last year I saved all the green paper boxes that our strawberries came in. 2 flats, 16 little green boxes. I saved them to transplant my seedlings in. I told DH "WHY" I was saving them. Time to take my little seedlings out of their little pot and move them to a bigger pot. Went to the shed to...
  10. R

    Seeds are sprouting

    Gosh Setter, your stuff looks good.
  11. R

    Seeds are sprouting

    This is my cukes, ???? Only 4 of 9 have came up?? I will give them a few more days then replant the empty spaces. Waiting waiting waiting on the other seeds. I do see one zuke.
  12. R

    Is a tiller a good investment??

    Just wondering what is a "electric soil blender"????
  13. R

    Huge Dandelion Greens (PIX)

    Yep just cut that rib out, and let us know. I was looking at mine today and they are pitifull. Time they were cooked down maybe an spoon full. LOL
  14. R

    Huge Dandelion Greens (PIX)

    Wow, I have never saw any that big, would be much tempted to eat them as Rosalind said.
  15. R


    Thanks for the info Sylvie. I am in zone 7. Nancy
  16. R


    Sylvie, are you farther north than Tennessee? I just don't think horseradish does well here. Mine gets beautiful leaves in the spring and then dies. I have dug the roots and they are never nothing more than pencil sized. I have them planted in 2 tractor trailer tires that are stacked one on...
  17. R

    Wall to wall Canadian Thistle - help!

    Wow there was a lot of reading here and very interesting, I do hope we never get that stuff in Tennessee, but a map I found while doing a search shows it in North Carolina. I did find this link which may or may not be useful to you, it does have some things to say about natural control as well...
  18. R

    I have 12 tires so far

    While it is true that there are bad things in tires, I think I will continue to use them. Here is a link to a article that I read about using tires. This is a quote from it. "There is no appreciable risk in using recycled tires in the...
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    Mine did the same, I brought it back from Vermont where it made a huge plant in the yard. However here in Tennessee I think it is just too hot. It may be the same for you in Georgia. Nancy
  20. R

    I have 12 tires so far

    Here is the garlic tire, this is my 3rd year using it. It is filled with goat poo compost.