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  1. R

    Seed Catalogues

    Hate to be such a ditz but what is GMO? Nancy
  2. R

    Seed Catalogues

    Which ones do you folks recomend? Thanks Nancy
  3. R

    What in the world was in my bean?! *PICS*

    I don't know what it is but would be interested to find out along with you.
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    Some pics of what's going on in my garden! DUW.

    Nice looking haul you got there. That green zebra tomato, is that the szie it gets when ripe?
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    What do I have here?

    This looks like Cayenne to me.
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    Toots I have been thinking of posting something along the same lines as your op. The variety I planted was straight 8. Some are bitter and some are perfect. They have had plenty of water from me and from rain and fed well. So I will ask what is a good recomendation to plant that will satisfy...
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    Homemade Sauerkraut Mess?

    Punkin, I have used that recipe before and just got cabbage out of the garden and am going to make some today.
  8. R

    In the spirit of recycling, what garden project are you most proud of?

    What folks around here call moon flowers are white and grow on a vine. I think this is what I am talking about, looks identical to the ones I am talking about. Or at least I think it is in that family. What I have is much taller and the seed pods are different. But at least the picture of the...
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    In the spirit of recycling, what garden project are you most proud of?

    I don't know the real name of the flowers. The lady I got them from just called them 9 O'Clock. They are a yellow flower and the stems are about ft tall at full growth. They start blooming at 9 pm in the evening and by 9:20 they are all done. They open fast enough that it looks like someone used...
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    In the spirit of recycling, what garden project are you most proud of?

    The local VFW had a wood fence that they wanted taken down and DH offered to do it for the wood. He made me a picnic table out of the wood that will seat 8 people. It will replace my old rotted one that was falling apart. We will use the table when I have my annual Garden Party. Which is usually...
  11. R

    Pickle recipes handed down in my family, here for you

    Blurose, I just made the second recipe you posted. Got it from a friend and it was a little different in that it called for the jars to be heated in the oven, I boiled mine for 10 minutes anyway. The one I have does not say how long before the pickles were ready, so thanks for posting about 2...
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    Zucchini Jam UPDATE

    Thanks Blurose, those sound down right interesting and different enough to take to the county fair. I was wondering if on the first one could you use the 10 minute boiling water bath instead of the paraffin?
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    What did you can (freeze, dehydrate, preserve) today?

    Today I did 19 pints of corn 2 quarts of corn in freezer bags 16 ears vacuum packed for the freezer 8 trays of yellow squash in the dehydrator
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    Zucchini Jam UPDATE

    I don't really know that I would make any but if you would like to give us the recipe I sure would like to read what is in it and the directions. Sounds like a recipe one should have on hand.
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    Random stuff growing in the garden. Major DUW.

    Great looking produce you have there. That squash might be large but it still looks the right color and tender. What kind of green beans did you plant?
  16. R

    first timing canning - hoping it all worked out okay

    I use the Ball Book for all my canning. Just love the B&B pickles, goin to do some today. So far this season I have had only 2 jars not seal and that was green beans and we just ate them for supper that night.
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    weed or wierd pepper??

    I don't know what it is called but it is a weed.
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    I use Ball Blue Book for all canning and if it says water bath, that is what I do, if it says pressure can, that is what I do. JMO I think pressureing tomatoes would turn them to mush.
  19. R

    My Page, Just wondering

    Thats good to know, maybe one of these days I will have something worth putting there. Nancy
  20. R

    Recipe wanted

    If there is one for homemade coffee creamer. ( the powdered kind )