HiDelight . . . not sure, but is that question directed to all of us or anyone in particular? I'd like to see everyone's best garden shots. Maybe we should start a thread?
I took a photo of my tomatoes back in . . . early July? . . . when they were outrageous, but since then they have toppled...
I don't know, Ron, but I have seen some pretty big footprints before when I've been out hiking, that have made me wonder.
I am going to prioritize this show. I love mushroom hunting. I especially love it when I can eat what I find (because I can ID it beyond a doubt -- most I cannot).
:hugs I was right there with you saying those bad words this morning. My husband let the chickens free-range when I was not home last night and they scratched up nearly half of my cover crop that I am trying to establish in our orchard. It is actually a small area, because that is all the...
Good to know . . . thank you Ron. I was just thinking . . . I have mammoth sunflowers out front of my greenhouse right now . . . it is fun to see them through the greenhouse film, just outside . . . wouldn't it be beautiful to do a sunflower mural on the greenhouse glass?
On second thought...
Sounds like you are prepared. I'm glad you have deep window sills.
I asked my husband to make wider sills on south facing windows, but I also got one of those garden windows and they are just a joy to have. They are pricey and we found one that was pre-used. Now that I have tested this one...
Beautiful Ron! :clap I want to go out and find windows for my plastic covered greenhouse right now so I can create a masterpiece! Oh my goodness, how fun! :D So, does the blue pigmented one fade more than the other colors? That tends to be true of blue paint in general.
No, I never seem to have enough. I love seeing the flowers used in salads and on top of desserts, though. I plan to do this some time.
My ducks ate most of my borage plants down this year. Ask them. ;)
You want to be careful about where you use ash. Ash can change the soil pH. The only crop I would use it on is asparagus, as it seems to do well with it.
What I did this year for a tomato bed that worked really well was I dug down about 2' and then put some soil back -- I screened out the...
I love borage too. Start saving seeds, or make sure the plants are located somewhere that the seeds can drop and re-seed on their own. Borage will not winter over for you (or me, in zone 7).
I would think onions would be fine out in the elements. Your zone is similar to mine and we can overwinter carrots, onions, and greens just fine most years. Greens can be tempermental if it gets really cold though. I don't think you would even need row covers, although you may want them...
I have put in a request with my resident master builder (husband) for a small greenhouse that I can move around and put wherever I want. I don't think it is high on his priority list, however.
Your greenhouse is cute. I bet you will have fun growing stuff in it.
Yikes Steve! Good luck keeping your garden going. You have more energy and determination than I do this late in the season! I hope your efforts pay off!