I am going to plant a vine to cover the end of my chicken run to give them some shade. I would prefer an evergreen. MUST be non-toxic to my hens, but also if it has any edible parts that would be a bonus.
I didn't go to the garden for a couple of days, and have HUGE cucumbers. Since I don't like eating them this large, can I make them into pickles and have them turn out okay?
I thought I might try like a kosher spear? If anyone has a good recipe, please let me know!! I prefer cold pack.
I found the strangest dropping at the bottom of my tomato plant, and I can't figure out what it could be. They are a little small than what a rabbit would lay, but are "flower shaped" I know this sounds weird, but I can't figure out another way to describe it. I have never seen a rabbit...
never thought skin so soft worked either, but I did try a Burt's Bees natural repellant and worked pretty well. We always spray our grass with something... but I also have chickens too. The skeets still carry us away!! I am planning on putting up several bat houses.
I live in Noblesville, just north of you and we have had killer storms this year!! My beds are actually 2x6x12 boxes that I built (3 of them with tomatoes) I also prune off the lower 12" or so of branches on my tomato plants so there is one main stalk for the tomatoes. Mine seem to be doing...
I'm torn on what to do with the peaches I have. I bough 1/2 bushel (wish I had bought more) we keep eating them because they are the sweetest I have EVER eaten, so I'm not sure I'll have enough to can. But wanting opinions anyway...
DO YOU CAN OR FREEZE THEM? pros and cons of each please!!
wow!! Thanks soooo much!! I can't wait to browse the nursery to see what I like!! We live on 8 acres of somewhat woods (the acreage around the house has been cleared - about 3) so I don't mind the wilder unruly look. You have given me such great ideas!:clap :bow
I have a bed on the NW side of my house (Indiana zone 5) that has lots of shade; probably only a few hours of sun/day due to large tree blocking the western light. I have spirea on one corner, and another tall flowering shrub on the SW corner (not sure what it is) I also have myrtle ground...
I bought a big double hung window off of craigslist and want to build a cold frame with it. I need suggestions and/or pictures of yours!!
is it best to angle the top/window? How deep should I make it? what type of wood?
Any advice would be appreciated. my hubby is building it for me...
I have grown cilantro and it can get huge!!! keep that in mind
my lettuces were great last year, but I couldn't get spinach to sprout for the life of me!! I planted several times!!
one word of advice though about starting from seed inside. Don't forget to harden off the transplants before putting them in the dirt. I didn't do this last year and lost my whole crop!! They were looking great too! Although, I then went to a local garden center, and for a tomato 4 pack was...
thanks vfem!! I wanted to plant in late fall but was discouraged because I couldn't find any anywhere!! I was stuck on buying from a seed company. Now I know I can just plant garlic that I buy!! I was hoping to try different varieties. I was really just trying as an experiment. I think since...
I'm in frozen Indiana (zone 6) and I thought I would try planting garlic. I searched everywhere and all seed catalogues were all sold out. Just for fun, I planted the garlic I bought at Sam's club, I knew it probably wasn't a good variety, and certainly not planting garlic. But it sprouted...
so far, everything seems to be growing okay except my parsley. They may have been bad seeds. I kind of cheated when I saw a small parsley plant at the store. I took it home and stuck it in my pot. My basil is doing okay, tomato is maybe 2" tall, and cucumber is doing okay. Romaine is doing...
Silly me, I thought I'd see what I can grow inside since there is snow on the ground outside.
I've planted Romaine lettuce, Basil, Parsley, a few cherry tomato seeds, and a few cucumber seeds.
I know it's crazy to see if I can grow tomato and cucumbers inside, but I just thought I'd try. I...
thanks so much for everyone's advice!! I actually may attempt something tomorrow! :D
Since it really isn't tomato season, I may try applesauce. There's a great orchard down the road and I'm sure to get some yummy apples!
I'll let you know how it goes. :fl