I bought all of the equipment for a water bath canning job, thought I would tackle this before pressure canning. My issue was I didn't get enough of my own crop to preserve (1st year for garden) when I bought a bushel of green beans at the farmers market, I decided to blanch and freeze them, I...
I really debated on the whole wood thing, I was afraid of treated wood but was talked into it. I originally used 5/4 deck boards, but the new beds are 2x6x12 I bought the wood, and the beds look much more sturdy than the 5/4 boards.
My list of veggies/fruits for 2010 are as follows...
I am also in Indiana, and used raised bed for several of my vegetables. 2 beds are 4x12 that I used for strawberries (to help contain them) I have three other 4x12 beds that I used for peppers, zucchini/squash, and peas. I loved the raised beds so much, that I built 11 more!! What I did was...
getting back to the rain barrels, I have a question:
I've read mixed messages about using rain water collected from asphalt shingled roofs to water vegetables/gardens.
anyones thoughts?
I'm really wanting to use this for my garden and chickens...
my chicken coop is a long way from the house...
thanks for the help, I am in central indiana and maybe agree that this weather we have had doesn't help. Even though my cantaloupes were very small, they were as sweet as candy!
I will try to boost up my soil this fall with my chicken manure/compost, and hopefully have a better next year.
I got 2 dozen ears of corn last week at the farmers market, and haven't frozen it yet. It is now 8 days old, and was not refrigerated. Is it still good? Can I still blanch and freeze it? Or should I make it chicken feed?
Hi Y'all!!
I have my first garden this year. I planted a 40'x40' are with some raised beds, some not, used black plastic as mulch in some beds, but some just straw. A few of my beds I added peat to the dirt before planting.
My problem is none of my plants got very tall, but most have big...
someone from central Indiana said we don't have much....she should visit my house!! we have tons of it! I can't seem to get rid of it!!
I don't think I will try eating it, I don't trust myself in cooking it properly. I'll stick to the stuff from my garden :D
I live in Indiana zone 5, I was wondering if I can plant more green beans bush or pole to get a fall harvest. I realized that I didn't plant nearly enough beans!!
thanks so much!! I am so glad it isn't a bug or worm!! My chickens sure do love them though!! :lol:
I'll definitely get some stuff to stop it!! and maybe add some calcium to the soil...
I need help! I've noticed something is eating my tomatoes, I don't know what to do about it. I was hoping to not use pesticides, but I may have to. Tell my your thoughts!
here is one that just looks funny.... not sure what the problem is.
I purchased "bush baby" zucchini seeds from Johnny's, the plants are doing great; however, my zucchini have the oddest shape. They resemble a green butternut squash in shape, but they have the green and white striping of the bush baby. Could something I am doing be causing the weird shape?
I was curious about the plastic too. I used it for the rest of my garden but did NOT for my strawberries. I used straw. I planted about 75 plants in raised beds. I live across the road from a strawberry U-pick farm and the use straw also. I've never seen them use plastic. Although, they...
I put my stakes (steel, T shaped fence posts) about every 3-4 plants. I stretch nylon tomato twine down one side of the plants (wrapping around posts as I go) then back the other side of the plants. As the plants grow, I add another row of twine (usually about 8-10")
I can't imagine using...
thanks Ridgerunner for the articles!!! They really help me with know what to prune.
A garden friend of mine is who told me to prune. His neighbor is a horticulturist at Purdue University, and together they grow the sweetest tomatoes!!
But since I'm new to gardening, I forgot the reason why! :)
2 questions:
what do you do with all of your lettuce!!! I can only eat so many salads..... :)
some of my lettuce got kindof mushy and turned yellowy/brown at the roots. Is this too much water? we have had a ton of rain. Or could it be ants? I did notice a lot of ants right where the...