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  1. M

    Someone please help me with my tomatoes!!!

    Hi there, I've been spending a little too much time building my chicken coop that I have neglected my tomatoes. I'm using the fence post/nylon twine way of trellising. the plants were way above the last row of twine and I've tried to pinch off suckers and get some sort of order with these...
  2. M

    HELP! Ants in my soil when I pulled up my radishes.

    I bought food grade DE for my chickens, and decided to put it on all the ant hills I saw. This morning I found new ant hills in the exact spots I put all the DE. Am I doing something wrong? I dumped a bunch on each hill!!!
  3. M

    **SNAILS & SLUGS ?????**I'm thinking of using this.

    does DE work for slugs?