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    weed that snaps and shoots out its seed when touched? (in Georgia)

    I will hazard a guess. Bittercress AKA shotweed. I have it everywhere. Small white flowers. Very determined self seeder.
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    searching Zipper Cream Pea seeds

    Have you tried your local feed & seed stores? That's where I get mine, when I can. They are one of the first varieties to sell out every year.
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    Small alpine!

    :welcome A lovely idea. It sounds to me as 'though you are trying to create something of an alpine/rock/zen garden area. I am not sure which you are particularly going for. But all of these would incorporate the use of stones/rocks in the garden. Personally I would start by building the hill...
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    what critter eats pansy petals??

    I had the same thought thistlebloom. But neighbor child. Picking fresh flowers. :lol:
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    What to plant in shady area

    Total shade? No sun at all? How about reflected light? Hosta's, as Lesa mentioned pop to mind. Ferns, impatiens, iron plant will all grow and even thrive with a lot of shade. But everything needs some sun.
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    composting waste office paper and cereal boxes?

    A lot of the older office based copier and printer ink/toner is "toxic". The only way to know for sure is to look at the actual cartridge/toner itself and see what it says it is made from. Some of the newer products are more environmentally friendly. :)
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    New Strawberry plants got snowed on!

    I kind of doubt it Ariel. It may kill a few, but I suspect most will survive and start growing again. I know around here the commercial growers will spray the plants to allow ice to form on them to insulate them when an unexpected cold snap hits . Snow is a good insulator as well. I think you...
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    Is it too early to plant beets and peas?

    Hi trunkman and :welcome These warmer days have me ready to plant something also! Personally I think it is too early yet. I have planted them in February before, last year I sowed on Feb. 20 I see from looking at my journal. They don't seem to produce any faster though. My harvest dates are...
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    All American 925 Canner Advice?

    I think a certain amount of fear is a good thing. It will make you more careful. But you can handle it vfem. It's a tag team match. Just tag hubby and tell him he's in the "ring"! :lau
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    All American 925 Canner Advice?

    Not a bad deal. That model is about 235.00 new. I would want to test it out personally. Make sure the top hasn't been warped. Of course I would also try and talk the price down a bit also. Worst they can do is say no.
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    best garden fence?

    Mine is the 4', 2x4" welded wire with 24" chicken wire along the bottom. You are correct that without the chicken wire along the bottom baby bunny can squeeze in, quite easily as a matter of fact. I didn't bend it down for an apron along the outside and so far, so good. I think if you want to...
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    Starting seeds in Peat Pots

    I have noticed the same thing Lesa. They do not "magically" disintegrate. I just water real good and tear the bottom off of the pot when transplanting to the garden. That seems to work ok.
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    Starting seeds in Peat Pots

    I have used them in the past. They are very convenient. It makes it easier to regulate watering as you get a visual of the moisture level. I think I had the 4" round peat pots. The drawback to them for me is that they can be a bit pricey. You might be able to overcome this by buying in bulk...
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    Need help

    I can't say it won't affect them at all, but the first step might be to try and find out exactly what they are spraying. I personally wouldn't be overly concerned but would be sure to wash any fruit (these are fruit trees?) really good to avoid any insecticide residue. :)
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    When is a good time to plant seeds indoors?

    Hi Usc529 and welcome! I just have to ask. Based on your user name, will you be planting Clemson spineless for your okra? :lau
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    Deep beds vs shallow beds - need advice

    Well, let's see. Lettuce, bunching onions, cukes, strawberries and pole beans are all fairly shallow rooted. The others all have deeper roots, not counting the potatos. One thing to consider is that you will get some settling/compaction of the soil in your beds. So that 6" of soil you started...
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    Greenhouse poles uneven! Help

    I am still not sure I have a clear picture in my head of what this structure looks like. But Lesa has a good idea on cutting off the poles that are too high. Pull a string and maybe use a line level or just a level to get it fairly close. An other idea that occurs to me is that it may be...
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    Greenhouse poles uneven! Help

    Hi April, I am not sure exactly what you mean. Have the poles settled so they are not aligned horizontally anymore? Like some are leaning? What are the poles made of?
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    How much room for potatoes?

    Sweet potatos you don't hill up. A 4'x8' bed I would say will hold 12 plants easily. 12" to 18" deep beds would be ideal. You can't really plant them right up next to the edges of whatever outlines your beds...wood, stone, etc. They run a long way but you can always prune the tips to curb their...
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    Wine Bottle Border

    Hi lleighmay and welcome. I have never tried using bottles for this purpose so my advice is based on no experience. I don't think you would have a problem with them bursting due to the cold. I would worry a bit about debris thrown off from a lawn mower, that would make a mess pretty quick! :)