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  1. B

    Your Thanksgiving Recipes - Menu!

    Sweet potato pie Beat 2 eggs, add 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1/8 tsp nutmeg, 1 tsp cinnamon and 1 cup milk. Mix together well. Mix 1 1/2 cup mashed sweet potato with 2 tbsp melted butter and blend with egg mixture. Pour into unbaked pie shell and bake at 350 30-40 minutes or until filling is firm.
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    Your Thanksgiving Recipes - Menu!

    Sweet potato casserole 3 cups mashed sweet potatos 1/2 cup sugar 2 eggs beaten 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 stick butter melted 1/2 cup milk 1 1/2 tsp vanilla Mix all ingredient well and put in a 1 1/2 quart baking/casserole dish Topping 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/3 cup flour 1 cup pecans chopped 1/3 stick...
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    Advice on my "greenhouse/bus stop" photo

    I remember when you posted about this craigslist score. That is the coolest idea for a greenhouse. I haven't passed a bus stop since when I didn't think about it! Not real suggestions, just an idea. I think digitS' is right it will work just fine as is. But if you really want to mess around...
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    Senate Bill 510

    Here ya go: There is also a link on the first page posted by journey that has a link to the bill. I usually use Thomas for government proposed legislation.
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    Jam failed to gel

    I made some blueberry jam earlier this year and figured I had made something not quite syrup but sure wasn't jam. I had about a half pint that I just stuck in the refrigerator rather than processing. I figured it would work fine for pancakes...and it did! Blueberry pancakes with a few...
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    Handmade Hollow Log Birdhouse - Reclaimed Pear Tree

    That is a very nice bird house! How is he hollowing out the logs though? That has got to be quite a bit of work.
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    Autumn Cherry Tree

    I don't have one, but is this the tree you are talking about? Prunus subhirtella 'Autumnalis' If so you can probably find out a bit more about it. :)
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    Thought I Had a Great Idea

    It's time to take the frying pan or the stew pot out there and show it to that free loader! Either you start laying some eggs... or... we're having yardbird for supper! :gig It doesn't really work, but it makes you feel better.
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    strawberry plants in winter?

    I think I would wait just a little longer before you put down any thick layer of mulch. A few light frosts won't really hurt them, and I don't think the really cold weather is here just yet. If you mulch too early I think you run the risk of promoting crown rot. The weather where you are...
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    Growing Sweet pea help again!

    It probably just got to hot for them. When I grew them in the past mine were usually spent by the end of July, early August. Afternoon shade is a good idea I think, but I don't understand the west facing fence providing the shade unless this is a wooden, shadow box type fence. You can start...
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    New 4 x 6 bed

    I just planted some basil interspersed among my squash. It wasn't really for the basil, but rather as a deterrant experiment. I transplanted basil plants that were probably 4 to 6 inches tall when I planted the squash seed and just hoped that the basil would grow tall enough, fast enough so the...
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    New 4 x 6 bed

    Don't despair, I had the same problem this year. It just wasn't a great year for summer squash for some of us. High humidity and lots of rain. My summer squash set plenty of fruit, but not very many made it to maturity before I tore them out. I think your layout is fine, although I might space...
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    White sticky on tomatoes

    Could it be spittlebugs? or do you think it is actually some type of mold?
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    Why leaves REALLY drop in autumn

    I agree it probably isn't the main reason leaves are shed, but a thought provoking theory on the function leaves serve in the overall life cycle of trees. Evergreens do shed, just not all at once like deciduous trees. Some conifers hold on to their leaves for longer than others, sometimes...
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    pumpkin seeds P.S happy halloween !! pic

    Sure I think you could save some seeds and plant them. Nice bat! Looks just like a bat to me.
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    Why leaves REALLY drop in autumn

    Interesting theory. It makes sense to me, as a larger part of why leaves drop. So what do you guys think? Here's a link to another source:
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    Do you plant anything especially for your chickens?

    Just an idea, but I wonder how plastic 55 gallon drums, cut in half and buried, would work for making small amounts of silage?
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    Planning next years garden bean questions

    Personally I prefer pole beans, especially as each season passes and another birthday passes. As lesa said, pole beans are easier to pick. Bush beans tend to produce a harvest in a shorter amount of time and more at one time. But pole beans produce a lot longer, but you do have to stay on top of...
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    determinate or indeterminate

    Hi LostGardener and :welcome I grow both and I think most people do. My canning tomatoes are mostly determinate and table tomatoes are mostly indeterminate. But that's just me. There are some real tomatoe experts on here that I am sure will weigh in with their opinions. Best advice is to try a...
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    Do you plant anything especially for your chickens?

    I plant sunflowers and pumpkins for my chickens. I agree with journey on the broccoli as well. I got 5 day olds in Feb. '09 and had some broccoli I was letting go to seed in a fenced in bed. So I would take them outside on warmer days and let them scratch around. They were so cute, had very...