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  1. B

    Losing my patience with my Pole Beans....

    I am blaming it on the heat. Last year was a great year for pole beans for me...this year, not so much. Every time they get going the 100+ degree days hit and stay for a week or so. Every year is different as to what does well. Fools me every time into thinking this year will be similar to last...
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    Changing Thread Title

    Edit your original post and you can change the title. It will be at the very top of the page. :)
  3. B

    Guess the flower, then I'll pick your brain! LOL

    Jambalaya, and a crawfish pie and file' gumbo?
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    Bush beans? Are they done or having a problem?

    Well FWIW, I had similar temps a few weeks ago and had a lot of blossom drop as a result on both pole and bush type beans. Fortunately it cooled off a bit, if you can call high 80's low 90's cool, and they have started producing again this week for me. Unfortunately those temps are climbing back...
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    Please help? Is it too hot?

    It's a small flat bottom boat. Typically they have bench seats. Used to be wooden and really flat. Nowadays they are aluminum and have a ribbed bottom. Good for fishing and duck hunting as they are pretty stable. Although I have seen a few that were....ummm...souped up a bit... ala way too much...
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    Sweet Pickle Relish Recipes?

    Thanks jojo! I was looking at that recipe this morning after giving up the hunt for my old, written down recipe. I have looked at so many recipes online today my head is spinning. Thank you pat. Good advice! I'm not a big "right to the letter" recipe follower anyway. ;) Sooo, I will concoct...
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    Sweet Pickle Relish Recipes?

    There are plenty of recipes out there when I do a Google search, but they all seem to call for onion. Since it has been a couple of years since I have made any, I can't find the recipe I have used in the past. I might be wrong but I just don't remember any onion in it. So does anyone have a...
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    okra rotting

    Sounds like wet rot. It can take a day or so for the okra to push the spent blossom off of the pod and lots of rain/humidity leads to wet rot. The new pods that will develop should be fine, assuming lower humidity. I have been hand picking the spent blooms on my okra this last week because we...
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    Maybe brown turkey fig. It's a pretty common variety in your area and is brown-ish when ripe. :)
  10. B

    Please help? Is it too hot?

    I think you will be fine planting peas, corn and okra now. Pumpkins and tomatos also, they will all just need a bit of extra TLC (lotsa water) for a few weeks to get established roots. Expect a few losses just from getting fried in that hot sun until the plants do get a bit of size on them. Good...
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    No bees?!?

    Maybe they have plenty of other pollen sources closer to home and just haven't had to range over to your garden yet? I am certainly not a bee expert, but most animals, insects, fish, etc don't work any harder than they have to to obtain food because of the energy expended vs. energy gained. Why...
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    Powdery Mildew

    Your recipe should work pendog. I have never used baking soda, but have used milk and water in a ratio of 1 part milk to 9 parts water. All the reading I have done on powdery mildew suggests that changing the ph level only slightly on the leaves prevents the mildew from growing. So, milk would...
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    How are Things in the Tomato Patch?

    I am picking San Marzanos and Sweet 100's every other day right now. I have only had 2 Rutgers ripen so far, but plenty of fruit set. Unfortunately, one of those had a fruit worm reminded me of that scene in the movie "Alien" when I cut it open :ep ...oh well, the chickens...
  14. B

    Ok to plant these beans?

    I would let them sit on a tray... whatever for 3 or 4 days and then go ahead and plant them. If they dried up on the plant they are probably good to go, especially since it has been so hot. You can always tell when you pick a bean up and drop it, if it makes that "pop" sound as opposed to a kind...
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    More flies Due to Compost?

    What kind of flies are they? Common houseflies? I would say it is possible they could have come from the compost, but not very likely. If there were eggs laid in the compost prior to you purchasing it... maybe they hatched out at your house. I would think the county compost is mostly yard...
  16. B

    Tomato woes. Please Help!

    Since you say you have had a great deal of rain lately, and standing water, these could just be what would develop as roots if that part of the plant was in contact with or under ground. I don't always stake or cage some tomatos and they will form roots where they fall over and touch the soil...
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    less fireants...could it be?

    Now that you mention it, it does seem as though there are fewer of them around. I wiped out a few mounds over the winter and they haven't reappeared there or near by. I could easily go without doing any fire ant dancing this year! :)
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    Tomato gurus I'm desperate

    Take a look at this article Beekissed. It's a bit dated, but maybe it will help. It does talk a bit about a few diseases that develop rapidly.
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    Current Compost Pics

    Boggy you are the compost king! :bow You could bag and sell that stuff.
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    First time gardener....Help please.

    I don't think your cukes, corn, watermelons and beans will take to kindly to being transplanted, especially if they have any size to them which it sounds as they do if they are blooming. Tomatoes and peppers are pretty forgiving when small plants, but if blooming... they will resent being...