Journey asked the same question I was wondering: how big are we talking; surface area and depth. Was it originally a fish pond or maybe to water stock? A call to your count ag extension agent might be helpfull. Obviously the overflow pipe would have to be repaired, is that pvc pipe through the...
Based on leaf shape, vein pattern and that little notch in that one leaf in your photo, I think it is a clematis also. I would venture to say it could very well be Sweet Autumn. The seeds can travel a long way with a good wind. Maybe some of your neighbor's have some? It can easily grow 4 or 5...
My grandmother had a large, old sweet shrub by her bedroom window. It got morning sun and really smelled wonderful when it was blooming. I rooted a few plants from it by taking 6-8 inch cuttings after it bloomed and stripping all but the top 2 sets of leaves off. Put them in small pots, kept...
Hmmm... interesting. How did you grow the potatos Boggy? In the ground and hilled or in a container? I ask because I am trying the 5 gallon bucket with straw method this year. Mine won't have much/any soil to form potatos in.
I thought everyone talked to the bees...I know I do. :lol: I was talking to the lady bugs in the pea patch this morning, thanking them for showing up and encouraging them to get busy on the aphids! Eat up and lay some eggs girls! :)
I always plant radish in my squash hills and just let it go to seed. I can't say that it *prevents* borers, but is supposed to deter them. As a plus it's an easy way to get my radish seed for the next year. :)
I rooted some a few years ago from a tree that was mature and fairly large, 20-25 feet tall or so. I took cuttings from the last years wood and put them in a bucket with water until I could get them home and then just stuck them in pots with some garden soil. The cuttings were about as big...
Hi hoodat,
There is a box towards the bottom on the page when you reply (or send a message) that says "save message". I believe you have to check that before sending for the reply to show up in your sent messages, but not totally sure. :)
Transplant shock? maybe? I would try just planting the seed where you want them to be rather than starting them and then transplanting them. :)
Hey Lesa. Glad to hear someone else is trying roses from seed. I planted 23 seeds December 3rd of last year and noticed 2 of them sprouting February 21st. So be patient! I was so excited I walked around with a big, stupid grin on my face for two days. I got a 3rd sprout March 25th. Hope you get...
I would reply politely that you are scheduled for the week and leave it at that personally. The problem with giving them a ridiculous price is that if you try and make it seem legitimate but still high, you just might get the job in spite of yourself. :rolleyes: Don't ask how I know this.
I always soak my okra seed in water 24-48 hours before planting them. They do like hot weather and warm soil so it will be a few more weeks before I plant mine this year. :)
I like those beds in the front vfem! Is it my faulty memory (from some of your past photo's) or have you expanded that bed on the right hand side? The edging gives it a nice finished look too. :)
Are your coops painted? Sometimes that will deter them a bit, altho' they drill into treated wood here. I suppose they haven't read they are not supposed to drill into painted or pressure treated wood. If you don't want to kill them you could just fill the holes with caulk and a dowel later on...
The first blooms on mine opened today! Yayyyyy! I planted them a bit early to try and beat the slugs and snails out of an easy meal. Mine started sprouting the 12th of March.
Check out this link Mary.
Sounds like you have got the mulch for your garden bed to me! :)
You could type your address into GoogleEarth and get a general idea of the compass points gapeachy. You could also try your county property tax site as most have arial views of the property along with the corresponding points. It may not be totally exact, but probably close enough for what you...
I would say go ahead and try it. You may not be able to transplant them into your garden until about the middle of May. If you figure 7-10 days for the seeds to germinate and then at least a month more to get them to a decent size for transplanting. I just transplanted some San Marzanos...
Another vote for 3 feet! Even though sometimes it's not quite that much in my garden. Plus, depending on the plants you are growing, that space shrinks considerably by the time they mature... like corn or tomatos or squash or...