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  1. MissPrissy

    My cool weather garden

    Always seeds started inside in January then moved outside asap and into the ground.
  2. MissPrissy

    New Fruit Trees

    Yes, I do. My husband helps out on the weekends. Not much extra time for him during the week.
  3. MissPrissy

    Growing cabbage plant indoors?

    I just put cabbage out in the garden. Last year I grew heads of cabbage that measured 48 inches across from leaf tip to leaf tip. Did you know if you cut the head of cabbage and leave the roots and big outer leaves more heads will start to grow? They won't be near as big as the first one but...
  4. MissPrissy

    My cool weather garden

    We have tilled three times. This plot was filled with everything from my chickens to fireplace ashes over the winter. My husband bought me a small tiller last year for my birthday. I use it! The weeds will come though. They always do. :(
  5. MissPrissy

    My cool weather garden

    These are some of the things I have growing now. They are cold hardy and thrive in cooler temps. This is about one third of my main garden area. All sorts of things are in these rows - broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, etc. Red leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, head lettuce, endive...
  6. MissPrissy

    OK, secret confession....

    I know what creamed peas are. Are you sure they are combined and not meant as creamed peas in addition to potatoes? The peas are cooked with butter and a touch of cream and thickened with flour or starch. I would not be interested to have them mixed with potatoes.
  7. MissPrissy

    New Fruit Trees

    I was told by an orchard owner that it had to be another winesap.
  8. MissPrissy

    New Fruit Trees

    Another variety of winesap.
  9. MissPrissy

    New Fruit Trees

    Tink - No, i haven't. The best apple in the world to me is the Virginia Stayman - a very old winesap. Most incredible apple with beautiful flesh. Southern Gardener - We planted figs last year and had a handful of figs at the end of fall. Pat - I have been cooking and baking apple pies from...
  10. MissPrissy

    New Fruit Trees

    When we bought this house it had an old orchard that we have cleaned up and tried to maintain just as it was with apples and damson trees. Last year we planted fig trees and blueberries. We talk alot about what we would like to do here with this old place. Yesterday I took action and bought...
  11. MissPrissy

    New here, anyone else in VA?

    Why, yes, I am. What are you planning to grow?
  12. MissPrissy

    Welcome To TheEasyGarden Forum!

    Reporting for duty, Sir! :frow