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  1. S

    Note to organic gardeners. befriend a bee

    I hear you on both the money and the hen sitting. I am in the same boat except throw 3 kids in the mix that still need babysitters. Luckily its summer break and the older kids are home from college so I will suck them into helping out with the younger kids and the animals. The conference is the...
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    need some help

    The issue is usually that they can cross pollinate and the new plants that come up won't be like their parents. They may smell or taste off, more mild or look different.
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    Aphids in my Greenhouse?? HELP!

    I have a problem with aphids on certain plants in my garden so I ordered some of their natural predators to release. You can ordered them at different places online. I got mine from Garden's Alive, who by the way has been offering a $25.00 discount on any order or $50.00
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    Growing berries from seed?

    I used that the 25.00 coupon a couple of weeks ago, actually for like the third time this season and then yesterday I ordered less than $50.00 worth of stuff and I was surprised at the checkout to see they were taking $20.00 off my order.
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    What else will go with Strawberry?

    I use whatever else kind of berries I have available, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, what about rhubarb?
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    DE question

    I think there is a difference in using it in the garden on occasion when other organic methods fail as opposed to genetically modifying crops with it.
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    squash bugs and pickleworms!!! AAAGGGHHHH!!!

    I thought she was concerned about her chickens eating the squash and plants not the bugs because she said unsupervised. I was referring to the fact that my chickens would and have eaten anything they can when unsupervised.
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    Strawberry Plants ........... No Strawberries?

    Excellent advice, thank you so much!
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    DE question

    I think you will have to put done the de and not water for a couple of days while it does its work and then water the beds and after the plants are somewhat dry use the de again. Its not really the best way to go due to having to constantly reapply it and I am not sure how well it work. I use it...
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    Strawberry Plants ........... No Strawberries?

    Welcome mistyfeather, I was wondering about this myself. I have a bed with everbearers and I think a mix of June bearers in there as well. I had heard you should replace them after three years so I ordered a bunch more to set up in another place. However I had been thinking about all...
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    Growing berries from seed?

    I like Nourse as well. I bought bery 20 canes from them and just ordered 5 more. I planted the "brown sticks" less than a month ago and they all have beautiful green leaves up and down them. There blueberries have done very well too. I am glad that you went ahead and got the canes because it is...
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    What are we missing?

    Interesting observation and I am sure you are right, that there is a whole other universe in nature that we are unaware of.
  13. S

    Uses for jam other than on toast?

    I have made the french toast both ways where you pour the ingredients over it and bake and also cooking it up first and then layering it. I actually like to cook mine a little first using the the traditional egg/milk/vanilla/sugar/ cinnamon batter fried in a pan and then I layer it in a greased...
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    mixing blackberries and raspberries?

    I read up on this before I planted mine and planting them apart has to do with a disease they share.
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    Folks in the NorthEast, what have you planted so far?

    Potatoes, peas, beans, squash, melons, corn, lettuce, spinach, chard, beets, radish, carrots, onions, brussel sprouts and cabbage. I direct sow most everything so the temps don't matter and the seedlings were not affected. I cover anything else when they predict a late freeze.
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    Note to organic gardeners. befriend a bee

    If you are really interested in all natural beekeeping there is going to be a conference on it in July In Massachusetts. Its the Northeast Chemical Free Beekeeping COnference in Leomonester, Mass. The organizers of the conference just wrote a book on natural beekeeping. I attended it last year...
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    Uses for jam other than on toast?

    I heat it up and pour it on ice cream and I use it in crepes. How about baked french toast, you put the french toast in a casserole dish with cream cheese and jam.
  18. S

    Getting rid of a tree stump

    Here are a few options. You can rent a stump grinder or hire someone to do it and just grind them down. This would also be the quickest way. They sell stuff that takes a while, you drill holes in the stump and fill the holes with the stump remover. You wait so many months and then you are...