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  1. S

    Has everyone finished ordering seeds/plants ?

    I ordered very early this year and everything I wanted was in stock and I recieved all of my orders over a month ago. I bought around 50 or so heirloom seed packets and a few hybrids. The only thing I am waiting on to be delivered is the seed potatos and onion plants. I still have a bunch of...
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    Getting a Present

    I love fruit trees, they are so pretty when they bloom and then you get the fruit to boot. I bought 18 fruit trees this year, some came in the fall and the rest are coming next month. ducks is right though you will need a second one to pollinate and it has to be a different variety of pear...
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    Two Legged Predators -- Ideas?

    Go get yourself a beehive,plop it down in the middle of your garden or nearby and put a sign up telling people not to trespass as there is a hive full of stinging insects. They actually sell those signs online. You could even put up an empty hive but I would get bees, its a cool hobby and it...
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    First Ripening Strawberry!! (PIX)

    Beat it sister! :smack :tongue Some of us, like us here in New England are still seeing some snow and wearing winter coats and the only ripe strawberries I see are the ones in pictures, as in the garden catalogs that I sit and read by my fire because its too cold to go outside...
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    Are Americans eating too much starch?

    Have you guys seen all those commercials touting high fructose corn syrup? They made commercials with the fake moms telling another fake mom that "there is nothing wrong with corn syrup, its no worse than sugar". I couldn't believe what they are saying. The thing is alot of people will believe it.
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    Are Americans eating too much starch?

    Journey, I typed my post and thought I hit send, then I left to go do something, when I got back and checked the forum I realized the post never got sent so I hit send. Then I saw your post, which I also agree with but didn't want it to appear that I disagreed with what you wrote. So this is...
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    Are Americans eating too much starch?

    No, I think its because of all the pre fab, heat and serve, processed foods and fast food the country eats. There are so many commercials on for these heat and serve meals like chicken fingers and french fries, hot pockets and stuff like that aimed at busy parents and they buy into it and serve...
  8. S

    What kind of beans do you plant for beansprouts?

    I get my sprouting seeds at the same places that I order my vegetable seeds from. Most all the companies carry them. As a matter of fact china rose radish and mung sprouting seeds were both delivered to my house today. I also have on order broccoli sprouts and lentil sprouts. There is a thread...
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    My Peas - I finally remembered to plant them! Pics of growth

    I use jars like that for the same reason, I believe its the heat retention and the fact that the humidity keeps the seedlings moist. It's the same idea as using plant cloches. Its how I start my bush beans as well. Alot of times I cover small seedlings with the jars to give them a jumpstart and...
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    I totally agree. I haven't been back to that fruit stand since and I told them before I left that I would not support them for those reasons. Its too bad because it would have been nice to have a nice fruit stand in town.
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    Your First Signs of Spring

    I realized it was almost spring when I went outside to feed the animals early in the morning and I didn't want to cry from the cold and my fingers didn't freeze up into a claw from carrying the buckets.:lol:
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    Ladyhawke, I did the same thing at the supermarket one day. The manager asked me if I found everything I wanted and I replied no I did not. When he asked what I couldn't find I told him that I could not find any fruit that I wanted from our own country and fruit season was in full swing here. He...
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    They also build their buildings under a different code than Haiti. When they build to code its with earthquakes in mind since they had that huge one in 1960, so while they have alot of damage to the buildings they were not completely devastated like the ones in Haiti. They also had some type of...
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    Making Maple Syrup

    hmm, I wonder if my neighbor would notice if I tap his trees:lol: Thank you Rosalind for the information. Its amazing where some of our food comes from isn't it? How did someone discover that you could tap a tree and boil it to make syrup, who woulda thunk it? I just bought a bottle of maple...
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    I have been watching the news all day with a heavy heart. I can't believe we yet another natural disaster on our hands. There have been so many resources put into Haiti right now that it leaves you wondering how much help can be given to the people of Chile. They extended tsunami warnings to...
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    Deciding On Onion Varieties

    Most of the companies tell you that onions are better to direct seed so that is how I have been doing it.
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    BIOCHAR~what is it....??

    I went to a workshop on this last fall and came away with a garbage bag full of biochar from the presenter. We were told the people of the Amazon Rain Forest in Brazil were the first to use it. He had a machine, sort of a furnace that he uses to burn the wood very very slowly on low temps to...
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    Deciding On Onion Varieties

    Thank you Steve. I was wondering because I planted some shallots this past fall for the first time and I have no idea what to expect. I plan to plant the same type this spring so I guess I will see how each does. Its good to hear they keep so well for you. I would love to be able to have...
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    Deciding On Onion Varieties

    How many here plant onions or shallots in the fall and overwinter them for spring? What type of success do you have with it compared to spring planting?
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    Hi! I'm pretty new to this.

    Welcome! Its great to have you here. Weren't you lucky to have been left such nice soil already. It probably won't take much to get those compost heaps going again if they have been sitting there a while. Have fun with it and glad you joined us.