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  1. hsm5grls

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    We just planted all our spring seeds in starter pots and they are in the garden window. Looks like we will have a big garden this year :fl . we also planted some marigolds in planters by the chicken coop and have all our spring flower seeds ready to go in the ground in march. :rose I am...
  2. hsm5grls

    In Arkansas and we can't have empty categories, OH NO!

    Tucson AZ on 1 1/4 acres on the edge of town. Hot as heck in the summer and freezing cold in the winter. But we can garden almost all year long.
  3. hsm5grls

    Anyone ever grow an avocado tree from seed?

    They girls and I have sprouted a lot of avocado tree's but they never seem to get to far. With the exception of one poor tree that we had inside for a year. We babied it and it was getting big and healthy. When it was about 3' tall I decided it was time to plant it outside. We dug a hole and...
  4. hsm5grls

    Pine needle tea?

    That would be great. I have 4 pine trees and the needles get everywhere. I'm not sure what kind of pine needles are edible or if they all are, but for some reason my girls thought it would be really cool to drink pine needle tea.
  5. hsm5grls


    Wow that is cool. I'm sure that herb will come in handy. It will deffinantly be in the herb garden.
  6. hsm5grls

    giant beautiful weedy plant

    I know everyone thinks I'm crazy but I moved from Humboldt county CA to desert AZ. I just love a lawn. can't really have one here and I remember playing with dandelions as a kid. I just think they are pretty. I have heard you can put them in your salad???? Maybe that can be my reason for getting...
  7. hsm5grls

    How long have you been gardening

    My parents divorced when I was 4 and the few memories I have of them together are of them in the garden. I think it was the only thing they had in common. They always had beautiful veg. gardens. They both still garden but of course not together LOL. It has always just been a family thing for...
  8. hsm5grls

    giant beautiful weedy plant

    WOW That is beautiful. I wish my weeds were that pretty. I don't think it is a weed though. Of course weed is realative. I think Dandolions are pretty and people call those weeds. I'd plant them If they would grow well here. LOL Opps I see you didn't call it a weed LOL. I thought you had. It is...
  9. hsm5grls


    DD are going to be in charge of the herb garden this spring. I have made an assignment out of it. I asked them to pick a few herbs they would like to grow and tell me why they picked it, what will it be used for, and what are this plants requirements. Then the final "test" will be the garden...
  10. hsm5grls

    Helping a grapevine to thrive

    I have heard(not sure it is true) That grape vines need to be cut back every year by about 60%. It helps with fruit production and plant strength. I'm not sure but that is what I have heard.
  11. hsm5grls

    Best Seed Catalogs

    Just ordered the catalog. Love there site. thanks for mentioning them
  12. hsm5grls

    Sharing a funny little story

    That is too funny. LOL I can just imagine an elderly lady with a Beebe gun at night firing at the street light. How funny. :lau :lau
  13. hsm5grls


    silkiechicken My mom said the same thing when I told her I actually wanted to plant them. LOL I don't thimk they will grow that fast here. I miss the pie's and jams. She thinks I'm nuts. reinbeau thanks for the link I am going to check it out right now.
  14. hsm5grls

    So excited about this forum!

    I am hoping that it is just the season and that in spring it gets more traffic. I am so excited to start my garden and I want to hear every ones ideas and suggestions. I can't wait for spring, although I can live without the summer heat myself. LOL
  15. hsm5grls

    So excited about this forum!

    DITO I was so excited when I found the link to this sight on BYC. I have huge garden plans come spring. I hope we start to get more traffic and posts here soon. I hope this sight takes off and we all learn a lot from each other.
  16. hsm5grls


    I want to try and grow some blackberry's. I'm not sure they will grow in my zone but I thought it was worth a try. Anyone have any suggestions or tips as far as what kind to grow, location, anything like that. I really would like to have some berry plants and strawberry's just aren't enough LOL...
  17. hsm5grls


    I am gonna try that. Do you use just regular vinigar?
  18. hsm5grls

    Pine needle tea?

    I'm not sure where this goes so I will put it here. DD'S and I were watching man vs. wild and he made a tea from pine needles. He said it tastes good and is good for you it has a lot of vitamin c. I was wondering if anyone has ever done this. We love tea and would like to try it but I am a...
  19. hsm5grls


    thank you reinbeau. i'm gonna go check them out.
  20. hsm5grls

    Who has a family garden?

    sgtsheart that sounds fun. I think it would be so exciting to plan out a secret garden. you are giving me an idea. I think a sall pond or fountain in the center so you can hear the running water would be beautiful. I am soo gonna do that. A place to hide away and de-stress. :P