Who plants potatoes and how do you do it. Do you get enough to feed the family? Do they store well? I have been wanting to try it and was hoping for some advice. Maybe a good web site.
What pickleing spices do you use? I would like to try that as the girls and I are getting very interested in canning and perserving the harvest. Please post instructions. We have about 80 garlic plants in the ground right now and are hoping not to buy any garlic this year.
I was told by my neighbor that garlic will do real good all winter and not to worry about covering the garden I have because everything in it will do good even in the frost. I am hoping so. He was a horticulture professor at the university so I'm taking his word for it. :fl
We have been eating salad from our fall garden for about a week now. We have red onion. green onion, white onion,garlic, spinich, radishes, cabbage, and a salad mix growing right now.
It's my first year with chickens so I have never had them in my garden, but I can't wait for there fluffy butts to play in it. I am really lookin forward to that.
Oh lots of stuff going into the garden this spring. The stuff mentioned and some chile's all different kinds so we can make salsa and red and green chile sauce for enchiladas and things like that. Of course tomatoes are the gem of the garden I think and zucchini. I was thinking of putting in...
:clap :clap :clap YEAH I am so glad to have a garden sight to go to with all the friendly chicken people from BYC. My two favorite things gardens and chickens. YEAH :clap :clap
I was very excited when I saw the link on byc this morning.
I have always had a small garden that I have maintained myself. But this year we are putting in a huge garden about 150' by 30' and it will be a family garden. The girls got so excited when I started talking about how big it would be and that we could all plant things of our choice and that we...