Hey...we have these too! Now that I know what they are I am picking them off by hand. We are trying to stay organic in our garden. The lady bugs are having a grand time feasting on everything. We went from picking off probably 30 or so bugs to only two yesterday.....so keep up the good work...
Hey Natalie....You will need to post pictures of your garden and your house and yard. I am interested after reading about your adventures how it looks now. I too am in the process of cleaning out and making new beds and gardens and of course adding to the chicken family! We are on 8 acres in SC...
I read your link....doesn't sound promising! What do you guys suggest I use to get rid orf them. I have just been picking them off. We are trying to go organic and not use anything, but I might not have a choise with these buggers!! What do you think?
Thanks guys in advance for your help. I...
Hey..I know that they are not lady bugs or their babies. I have tose too. These things start out small and get bigger and bigger. I will try to get a photo.
Well, it really doesn't have a tail. It kinda moves like an inch wrom if it needs to. It has a few legs at the front of its body. I will need to wait for my daughter to come home with her camera.
Hey Thanks for the reply. They are red with blacks dots and look just like fat lady bugs. When they walk they use their front legs and their tail. Wierd.....
Hey ya'll
We have these little beetles on our tomatoes that are eating everything. They look like fat lady bugs but they are not lady bugs. Any guesses? If you know what they are what could I put on them to get rid of them. We are trying to stay as organic as possible....I picked probably 30 off...
Hey Natalie....I am new to potatoes so take my info for what its worth....I planted mine in tires. I started with one tire and three plants in each tire. I added a tire when the plant grew above the rim, and added dirt. So if you can picture a tire and that it is about 20-24 inches across that...
Okay...I have read through all the posts and I am new to spuds!! We have planted ours in tires and we are now up to two tires. I am filing them in with soft dirt as they grow. I have a few questions....
#1 Do I completely cover the plants up to the top or should I leave some showing?
#2 How...
I would say no.....but dont take my word for it. Ivy that I have in my yard....the stock part has little finger things that come off of it. Yours has nothing...
Hey....I was told to plant my potatoes in a tire. As the plant grows up add another tire and more dirt....keep going up. He said they are easy to harvest and grow like crazy! Any thoughts?
Well, since you cant kill it. try just keeping it trimmed up. Make some soapy water to spray on for the white flies. They are pretty when they bloom.
I heard that if you pour boiling water on weeds it will kill them. I wonder if you do that to the roots what it would do.
Good luck
I have come from the dark side too!! HA HA HA
I love BYC....my family thinks I am nuts. Hopefully this site will be as informational as BYC....Used to be from Southern CA.....now in South Carolina upstate....and happy to be here.....