Search results

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    Two years of growing Tomatillos--anybody got a good use for them?

    If tomatillos are doing good, Ground Cherries probably would too. You should try them.
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    Getting ready to order seeds

    I am beginning to get ready to mail order seeds. I requested catalogs, but, I would like to know: Are there any seed companies that you would definitely recommend? Are there any seed companies that I should stay away from? Are there any specific Seed varieties that you would recommend?
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    Here are some on eBay ending in about 40 minutes. Doesn't seem too pricey for how many you get. You could always sell or give away extra seeds.
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    Semi-porn on the gardening site

    I think they were talking about the video found here: You can see that the video has since been removed.
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    what about a U pick it garden?

    You would probably need to have liability insurance, and the amount of advertisement you would need to do to make it profitable could be pricey. It's not a bad idea, but annual vegetables can be very unpredictable.
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    Persimmon Seeds - Free!

    All the seeds are gone, they will be going out tomorrow, orloff, you need to send me your address.
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    Persimmon Seeds - Free!

    I have one lot of 3 seeds left.
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    Persimmon Seeds - Free!

    I just realized my inbox was full, I cleared it some. Although I am not requesting anything in exchange for the seeds, I am always on the look out for zinnia and calendula seeds, I am also open to anything else (I like surprises) if you would like to send me something (again, don't feel...
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    Persimmon Seeds - Free!

    I believe these to be a wild variety, they are American Persimmons (As opposed to Asian) I'm not sure of the export/import laws regarding seeds, so I'm not sure, the extra postage wouldn't be a problem though.
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    Persimmon Seeds - Free!

    Persimmons grow best in zones 5-9, they grow into trees, and you can get fruit in as little as 4-5 years.
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    Persimmon Seeds - Free!

    I have persimmon seeds available, if you have never had a persimmon, you should really try one. They have a great fruity almost citrus like taste when ripe. I can send up to 4 lots of 5 seeds per lot. Usually I would have more, but the animals got most of the persimmons this year. This is the...
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    My Home Depot Clearance Items

    These were the only two left :( otherwise, I would have bought more.
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    My Home Depot Clearance Items

    They are blueberries! The one is Jersey for sure, but I don't know what variety the other is.
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    My Home Depot Clearance Items

    I got both of these for $8 total. They seem a little battered, but they seem healthy, and should do fine once I get them planted. See if you can guess what they are.
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    Question about plants freezing

    Tonight it is supposed to get down to 24-29 degrees. (Yes, for you southerners, that is degrees Fahrenheit ;) ) The Home Depot here has started their 75% off sale. They have nice plants for very reasonable prices, well developed trees and berry bushes will only be $3-4 with this sale. I was...
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    I would like to start a terrarium in a 10 gallon fish tank. Are there any plants that you would recommend for it?
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    Growing Grocery Store Produce

    There is actually a whole book about this subject:
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    Two legged Pest!

    Maybe it was bigfoot? I hope you intend to file a police report.
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    Growing Black Walnut From Seeds

    I have a black walnut tree in my yard, and I would like to try to propagate more trees from the seeds. Does anyone have an idea of how to do this? Do I need to cold stratify them first?