I am beginning to get ready to mail order seeds. I requested catalogs, but, I would like to know:
Are there any seed companies that you would definitely recommend?
Are there any seed companies that I should stay away from?
Are there any specific Seed varieties that you would recommend?
Here are some on eBay ending in about 40 minutes. Doesn't seem too pricey for how many you get. You could always sell or give away extra seeds.
I think they were talking about the video found here:
You can see that the video has since been removed.
You would probably need to have liability insurance, and the amount of advertisement you would need to do to make it profitable could be pricey.
It's not a bad idea, but annual vegetables can be very unpredictable.
I just realized my inbox was full, I cleared it some.
Although I am not requesting anything in exchange for the seeds, I am always on the look out for zinnia and calendula seeds, I am also open to anything else (I like surprises) if you would like to send me something (again, don't feel...
I believe these to be a wild variety, they are American Persimmons (As opposed to Asian)
I'm not sure of the export/import laws regarding seeds, so I'm not sure, the extra postage wouldn't be a problem though.
I have persimmon seeds available, if you have never had a persimmon, you should really try one. They have a great fruity almost citrus like taste when ripe. I can send up to 4 lots of 5 seeds per lot. Usually I would have more, but the animals got most of the persimmons this year.
This is the...
I got both of these for $8 total. They seem a little battered, but they seem healthy, and should do fine once I get them planted.
See if you can guess what they are.
Tonight it is supposed to get down to 24-29 degrees. (Yes, for you southerners, that is degrees Fahrenheit ;) ) The Home Depot here has started their 75% off sale. They have nice plants for very reasonable prices, well developed trees and berry bushes will only be $3-4 with this sale. I was...
I have a black walnut tree in my yard, and I would like to try to propagate more trees from the seeds. Does anyone have an idea of how to do this? Do I need to cold stratify them first?