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  1. T

    What is growing on my corn?

    It's a type of fungus. I had that growing on all of the corn I grew a couple of years ago. This is the first year since then that I have tried growing corn again.
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    Birds and Sunfllowers...

    It would probably be easier to just toss a whole head in at a time, and let the chickens have a field day. As far as harvesting the seeds, I'm sure the birds would enjoy them, but they would likely not contain the same protein content as the seeds of other sunflowers that are bred for feed...
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    CONTEST - FREE Seed Prizes ~ UPDATE ~

    I assume it is alright to look the answers up? That's what I did.
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    You want to test seeds for free?

    I got a packet of seeds today, along with two letters. One looks like the standard letter, saying that this is a one time distribution. That letter also states that within a year they will send the standard forms for me to fill out about the performance of the seeds. The other letter asked me...
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    Seed Exchange

    I might be able to be in charge of this... I'll let you know within the next day or so.
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    Seed Exchange

    I think that could be fun.
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    Trip Report to Cornell Plantations, Ithaca, NY-Pix Fixed!

    The pictures aren't showing up! :idunno
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    My expanding business!

    :drool Your biscotti is the best!
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    Scarlet Runner Bean - Amazing Color Bean

    I saw a couple of large pods on my Scarlet Runner bean vines. I picked them and opened one up and the beans look like this: :ep
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    Cracked Tomatoes

    I think that is a sign that you should give more tomatoes to the chickens. ;)
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    You want to test seeds for free?

    I replied to my confirmation e-mail with this: I placed this order today, I intended to use the Echinacea to supplement and compare to the variety of echinacea that I already have. I intended to use the Gaillarda as a new plant species (as I am looking for low-maintenance wildflowers). Upon...
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    You want to test seeds for free?

    I ordered some seeds (blanketflower and coneflower) I listed my organization as personal use, and for the intended use I put: I am trying to find good-looking perennial flowers that can survive in my climate with minimal care or water. I'll have to see what happens.
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    What's up with my apples?

    Looks like your apples are sunburnt:
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    Starting Flowers Now

    Would it be possible to start flowers now, so that they could be in bloom next spring? I would like to try Purple Coneflower, and a couple varieties of Daisy. Do you think if I started the plants inside now, and then got the small plants in the ground before fall they would be alright? Thanks!
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    Summer Squash

    Please post the stuffed squash recipe, that sounds delicious.
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    Anyone know about Amaranth?

    Someone on BYC is giving some of the seeds away, check it out:
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    Berry Bush - No Pic, Sorry!

    Maybe try posting a picture of the actual plant?
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    Berry Bush - No Pic, Sorry!

    Could it be a Ground Cherry?
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    Has anyone given up on carrots?

    :lau I posted a thread here earlier about my failure with carrots. I've read that if you plant radishes in the same row with the carrots, they loosen up the soil for the carrots, and then you just pick the radishes when they mature.
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    Volunteer Plant - Never seen them in our yard before. Growing fast

    I'm thinking it is a Black Oil Sunflower like the ones found in bird seed. I have a volunteer plant in my yard too, and it is already going to seed. Your chickens will love the seeds!