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  1. T

    Vertical Gardening: A recent new interest of mine.....!

    It is an interesting concept, and I have read about it before. What I saw was mainly pushing it for big sky scrapers in large cities. How would the plants be harvested? It would be kind of neat to have an entire side of your house covered in flowers though. I am a big fan of roof top...
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    Peeing into the compost pile

    I think it's the other way around, Nitrogen causes it to heat up.
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    I don't know what that is.... "Garden Bean/Silver Line Melon"

    I have half a pack left if you want to try them this year. They are supposed to have a pretty quick growing season, if you want them, let me know.
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    I don't know what that is.... "Garden Bean/Silver Line Melon"

    I went to the store and bought some bush beans to replace my carrots, and some pole beans to grow along the fence. Both of the bean packs were labeled "Garden Bean" is this just something fancy to call regular old beans? I also bought some seeds for "Silver Line Melon" I've never heard of it...
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    I give up!

    It is hard to describe, I have been weeding, both the weeds and carrot seedlings are small, but the weeds are growing faster, and it is getting hard to tell what is carrot and what is weeds. I might try the carrots somewhere else. I am definitely looking for a green bean type where you just eat...
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    I give up!

    ... With carrots. The carrots grow so slowly and stay so low to the ground that they are getting over taken by weeds. I think I will put bush beans in their place. Do you have a recommended variety?
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    If you catch any squirrels, send them this way. Just pop a few in a flat rate box and drop them off at the post office. :lau The funny thing is that it would probably work. :lau
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    Little White Spots & Holes on My Cukes & Pumpkins

    Pictures might help us ID what is causing this.
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    New Picture of The Week?

    Yeah, I think it would be a good idea to rotate it more often too.
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    seeds or plants?

    Everything in my vegetable garden (as well as in my flower gardens) was started from seed. Some was direct sown and others I started inside first. I like growing from seed because it lets me know Exactly what goes into the plants from which I will eat.
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    What does "Savoy" mean?

    Thanks for the responses! I'm glad that it is hardy, because I planted this batch later in the year, and I wanted it to be able to stand the heat.
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    slugs eating peppers

    I read that putting coffee grounds around the base of the plant keeps slugs away. You wouldn't be wasting good beer. :D
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    I've been reading up on the "Three Sisters" and it says the corn should be at least 4 inches tall.
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    Has anyone tried this, or, have information on it? The example that I read was Corn being planted, with peas being planted right next to each stalk so they could grow up it, with pumpkins planted at the base to keep the weeds down. I have corn in now and I was thinking of atleast trying the...
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    What does "Savoy" mean?

    I bought some spinach seeds and the package says Savoy Leaf on it. What does this mean?
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    What causes red leaves on Strawberries?

    Well, I just spent a while researching this, and the only thing that I could find about it is that it is caused by cooler weather. Has the weather been noticeably colder lately?
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    Fish Emulsion

    Here is one example: Mine is basically the same as this, but, with a top on, and without the downspout actually going into the barrel.
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    Fish Emulsion

    You can use the water at any time. The main purpose of the goldfish is to keep the bugs down, but, any emulsions are also beneficial.