All of the bean plants (Scarlet Runner) that I planted now have holes in their leaves. Some of the holes look like they were clipped off the side, and some are straight through the leaves.
Are there any common diseases, bugs, or other pests that could do this?
Pictures available if necessary.
I am thinking about maybe trying to sell nice, small bouquets of cut flowers at the local farmer's market come this summer. I may or may not try to look further into that, but, I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for flowers that look good in cut flower arrangements.
I would prefer that...
I have been finishing up on the vegetable garden, and, I have one 10-15 foot section of a row that doesn't have anything in it yet. I already have the basics, carrots, tomatoes, corn, lettuce, spinach, beans, etc. But, I was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions for plants that you...
Could it possibly be Jerusalem Artichoke?
Today, I was at the store looking for some more Scarlet Runner Bean Seeds when I found some Grow Bags like these: . Have you ever used these? What do you put in them?
I thought that I was pretty smart getting my Scarlet Runner Bean seeds in early, (It is supposed to stay warm until after the usual last frost date.)So, today, I went out to check out they were doing, and I saw about 30 little holes dug right along where I planted them. :barnie
I love the...
Your mom might be right on this one.
I have never planted these particular trees, but, I do know that they grow very fast, and as with most plants that grow fast can easily become invasive. I have also heard that they typically have a short life span, typically grown for firewood, quick shade...
This particular one is too big for a (normal sized) window. However, it does have holes drilled in the bottom for drainage. For inside drainage, you may be able to put some sort of a tray or newspaper under it to catch the small amount of water that would need to drain out.
This is interesting. If I get a rain barrel, I will have to look into this. Any idea how many fish it would take, or if they would be able to find enough to eat? Also, how could you prevent them from going out the spigot?
There is something here called "rosy reds" they are kind of like white...