It is usually recommended that it be composted first. If you were to put some in and then till it in to the soil, it might work.
Just make sure none goes directly onto the plants.
This is very interesting, here is an article on it too: - I like this article alot.
I don't know exactly what kind you made, I don't have the talent to make the origami type, so, I would probably just make the ones where you roll them around a jar, and then tape it together.
The thing I would like about the peat pots, is that the roots could supposedly grow right through the...
Should I go ahead and buy peat pots, or, should I try to make my own out of newspaper? Which would be easier as far as replanting? Could I just put the whole pot in the ground for either of them?
I don't mind spending the extra money for the peat pots, but, at the same time, it would be nice to...
I just wanted to make completely sure, If I put different varieties of plants together (like tomatoes) the crop for this year won't be effected? I don't mind buying new seeds next year, and I will pretty much have to, because alot of the varieties are hybrid.
I just don't want the crop to turn...