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    Please Help ID this plant-

    Thanks, Are any of these other plants poisonous to dogs?
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    Please Help ID this plant-

    My dog was eating this, do you know what it is?? Is it poisonous?
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    Best Vine for Chain Link Fence

    I bought some Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans, and some Scarlet Runner Beans. I can't wait to get them in once the weather warms up. :D
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    :barnie :th I know how you feel.
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    Best Vine for Chain Link Fence

    This is great! Originally I was just trying to find something purdy to cover up the fence with, and now, I can actually grow something productive on there!?! I'm Excited! I'd kind of like to try pole beans, is there any certain good variety? (I was thinking Blue Lake or Kentucky Wonder) Would...
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    PR Campaign needed, Stat!

    Growing season is starting up around the country, I would love to see more people on here. I think one of the easiest things to do would be to put a link to this site on your signature over on BYC, if you are over there too. Any other ideas? :D
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    Malabar spinach

    I'd like to know a little more about this too. :hu
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    Best Vine for Chain Link Fence

    I looked into both Hops and Malabar Spinach, Hops sounded good until I found out that they can be poisonous to dogs, which I definitely don't need. I might look back into Malabar Spinach, it said that it can be invasive, but I don't think that would be too much of an issue. Does anyone else...
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    Best Vine for Chain Link Fence

    Does anyone have any good recommendations for a vine that would grow well on a chain link fence? It would be nice if it could cover the fence fairly well, and it would be really nice if it would look nice by flowering or fruiting.
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    # 1000

    I don't know, was it me? :hide :lau
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    # 1000

    Yeah, you post here more than on BYC, I thought that Golden Feather Membership would pull you back over there a little more, but, Oh well. ;)
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    # 1000

    :woot :clap Congrats! Are you the highest poster here? I just checked, you aren't. Yet. Give it a couple of days, you will make it there soon. :lau :celebrate
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    Expecting snow zone 5 OH

    We are supposed to get cold/snowy weather here too, (in Ohio), I had some bush cherries and some small peach trees that were just starting to bud out, so I wrapped them in newspaper. It is supposed to warm up after tomorrow, so I will probably take it off then.
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    I ate a mango and ......

    I just did some quick research on this. It says that the seeds can be kind of hard to germinate, and the trees won't bear fruit for 7-8 years. :th A quick Google search may be able to help you grow the seed.
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    How to Thin Seedlings

    I started some seeds (tomato, eggplant and ground cherry) and they are now starting to sprout. I planted 3-5 seeds in each Jiffy Pellet. How do I thin them? Just pick out the weaker plants and toss them, and keep the strongest plant in the pellet? How big should they be when I do this? Thanks!!
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    Recession Garden

    I just saw this article on, what do you think?
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    Nanking Cherry

    How did you like Were the plants nice sized? Was shipping expensive?
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    Ingenious idea for adding space to garden

    That is a really interesting idea, I wonder what plants you could or couldn't grow in it. You could probably grow leafy greens, flowers, carrots?, Do you think it would be big enough to grow tomatoes in?
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    Nanking Cherry

    Does anyone have these? What do the fruit taste like? How fast do they grow? Thanks for the help! :thumbsup
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    Ground Cherry

    Does anyone have experience with this? What does it taste like? Is it considered invasive? Thanks