I'm not going to have the time/energy/resources to plant anything until probably late March, early April. The chickens will come first. Then the garden.
With my health problems, I have to conserve and use my energy wisely. Still, I will have a garden come spring...even if it is a little...
That's the way I was taught by an old-timer farmer. Plant the beans two weeks after the corn. I've done this with pretty good results, just never thought about letting the pumpkins share the space too. And I do make actual hills for my squash and cukes. I guess the hills for corn should be a...
I know about planting the green beans to grow up the corn stalks, and it makes sense to grow the pumpkins at the bottom, but I am cornfused :P about growing the corn in hills. I have grown tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers in hills before, but not corn. How big of a hill would it have to be for...
Recently read an article on it.
It's beautiful and I plan to plant some in the spring IF I can find seed corn. I'm hoping Johnny's will offer it.
Anyone else grow it or know about growing it?
Mine will be at least an acre, maybe more. BUT, that won't all be vegetable garden. As I posted sometime before, I plan on having a secret garden mixed in with my veggies and antique farm implements to 'decorate' with. Also, unpacking my Christmas decorations (that were previously stored at...
We don't have water restrictions either. We use the town water supply for our daily use, but we also have two active wells just in case. Neither has ever run dry. One is located in a pump house right next to the garden space, so I think I'm all set. :)
well since Rooster brought it up (sorta)...
When I lived in Eastern North Carolina we used to go deep sea fishing on the charter boats alot. I'm not prone to seasickness (well, there was that one 18 hour ordeal), but my daughter is. I found out that's why the charter boats stock big jars of...
Thanks! I might try the limb method, rather than wait for it to bloom again. Here it is late December and the bush is still very green and very bushy. It's a strange thing, kinda like that mutant forsythia bush. :hu
Hey Y'all,
We were busy up at the cemetary today, cleaning, weedeating, and placing the Christmas arrangements.
There is a huge gardenia bush at the base of the family plot. My SO's grandma planted it. I want to take a clipping from it to bring back up here to the farm; which is where it...
Hi Antadeta and welcome. We have some really good garden experts around here and I'm sure they'll be around shortly to help you with your grass question.
I was raised part time in Florida, part time in NC. I remember warm winters well.
Again welcome!:frow
I don't know much about that kind of worm; since I don't grow cabbage and other cool weather veggies. I'm thinking though, can't you just leave out plates of beer and get em drunk so they drown like other slugs/worms?
I'm being totally serious here. It works for slugs.
We live in SW Arkansas, outside the town limits of a very tiny town. The farm is 80 acres of paradise that's been in my SO's family for 3 generations.
Where are y'all from? :dance
Hey Pat, (edited) as in patandchickens duh me!
I meant to ask you earlier, but I would sure love your recipe for stove top NC barbeque when you get the time...no hurry with the holidays and all. I'll post the green tomato parmagiana one if anyone wants....which gets me to thinking,
My amaryllis is starting to bloom! It wasn't labeled on the package, but I think it's gonna be a red/white candy stripe one. Two stalks. I tied them loosely together today, using wax sting and a soft cloth on the stalks to keep them from toppling over....I seem to recall that being the...
I think reinbeau gave excellent 'tater advice here, so I really can't add anything other than sources. We always get our seed potatoes at the farmer's co-op in the spring. Seed and feed stores, also. My absolute favorite is to grow sweet potatoes....make really beautiful plants.