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  1. S

    Attention rug braiders?

    Found one on the BYC board, thanks anyhow.
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    Just Joined

    Well, I used to......oh wait, that was in the 70s, ummmm....nevermind. :P
  3. S

    Attention rug braiders?

    I don't know if we have any rug braiders or not. I intend to also post this on the BYC forum. I am just learning to braid rugs and I would like to find a little tool that was recommended to make starting the rug easier. It's called a Braid Aid and it's used to hold together the ends of the 3...
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    Bluebird I got my egg gourd seeds today, thank you!! Thank you!!

    Hi Bluebird, I picked up my egg gourd seeds at the post office today. They may have been waiting on me for a few days, but I only go to the P.O. to check my mail when I'm forced to go to being a serious homebody, the price of gas, and all. I am really looking forward to adding them...
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    A few pix

  6. S

    Anyone ever grow an avocado tree from seed?

    I don't know if this is true for commercially grown avocados or not, but I know it is from some other fruits and vegetables. IF you bought the original avocado from the store you probably won't be able to get a decent tree out of it. The parent trees used in commercial groves and orchards are...
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    A few pix

    Which statue do you feel is ugly? I like em both, especially the angel.
  8. S

    Favorite plant duo

    Me thinks I am going to have to copy reinbeau's entire garden for my secret beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
  9. S

    Favorite plant duo

    Just tell em about all the poor starving chickens in some foreign country. That's the one my mom used with me. :| (and me, being the smartb**t kid I was (and still am) said: fine, send em all of mine!)
  10. S

    What kind of tree is this?

    Well, there's that too! :gig These things don't look much better, but hey! according to that link they can be used to rid a home of spiders, so I'm all for em no matter what they look like!
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    Just Joined

    I actually did this name by mistake; not thinking about all the people that would be coming over from the BYC forum. This is my preferred name. I love my sgt so (in case you couldn't tell) :love I'll behave, I promise! *straightens halo again*
  12. S

    What kind of tree is this?

    Thanks for posting that link, bluebird. I kinda thought that's what they were talking about. Here they call them horse apple and the SO calls em bordark (sp?) which really confused me, but now I understand. His family is cajun french. Now I know what to do with all those funky looking...
  13. S

    Amaryllis bulbs

    You make the green tomato parmagiana as you would eggplant parmagiana. I like both, but eggplant is so fussy about it's prep....soaking it and all. I think it's okay to hijack my own thread, not sure. :hu I did buy one amaryllis bulb with very little growth. Walmart was loaded with em when...
  14. S

    Brugmansia anyone?

    Beautiful flowers. The moonflowers I'm familiar with. Has a seed sort of like a morning glory. Have to knick it before planting? I'm thinking somehow related to 4 o'clocks (their bloomng habits) or night blooming jasmine? I don't know about the other plants, but night blooming jasmine...
  15. S

    A few pix

    muscovys, ducks and geese you say? Did you sneak over from the BYC too?
  16. S

    Brugmansia anyone?

    I don't have anything like that. Only thing similar to it I can think of is maybe a trumpet vine? Welcome btw, I'm Kat. :frow The background of your pictures seems dark. Does that mean it's a night bloomer? or is that just the pic?
  17. S

    Just Joined

    Heya Fluff! and Welcome! I know you, but you prob'ly don't recognize me. I'm in gardencognito :cool: (gritsar) I'm as "mouthy" over here as I am over there, so forewarned. This will be fun and very very useful once we can crank up the old tillers in spring. Right now I'm enjoying meeting all...
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    Amaryllis bulbs

    Which version of barbeque Pat? I was raised in the NC mountains, there it's tomato based BBQ. On the coast where I spent some time as an adult, it's vinegar based. I really didn't like the eastern version at first; now I love em both. And oh yeah, I get strange looks here in Arkansas for...
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    pickle juice

    When we were discussing the coffee grounds uses it got me to thinking about my mom and her coffee grounds and pickle juice. I now know lots of uses for the coffee grounds, but what could the pickle juice have possibly been used for? Anyone know? I remember she grew the most beautiful african...
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    Favorite plant duo

    Beautiful pic! I don't have any duos that I've created accidently or otherwise. Most of what is here at the farm has been here years and years and was planted by the SO's mama or grandma. We have something that down here is called 'bare naked ladies'. As a single flower I think they are...