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  1. S

    Amaryllis bulbs

    and to think buff, we got all these good growing seasons and biscuits and gravy too! and collards, and grits, and green fried can have all of our chitlins though :P
  2. S

    Amaryllis bulbs

    Last week I went to Walmart looking for an amaryllis bulb in a planter to give my best friend for her birthday and the women in the garden dept. told me they didn't carry them. Yesterday when I was in there I happened to spot 4 really sad looking ones tucked in amongst a bunch of christmas...
  3. S

    Helping a grapevine to thrive

    Yep, on the fruit, so yucky ucky stink bugs huh? Thanks for the imput. I think it's also gonna get a severe pruning. It's left the fence and is finding it's way across the top of a very large workshop. I'm also gonna be giving the "forsythia bush from h**l a severe haircut too. That thing...
  4. S

    Pics of our pond and garden space

    Young female cows. There's several different versions on raising cows. You can keep cows and a few bulls and then sell off the babies once they are born...that's what the farmer that leases our pastures does and I hate it! For three days immediately after they take the calves from the mamas...
  5. S

    Helping a grapevine to thrive

    I hate to sound ignorant here, but I truly don't know. I seem to remember the name starting with a M, I want to say muscadene (spelling incorrect I'm sure). I know they are a dark dark red grape. The elders used to make wine out of em. They are not table grapes; that I know for sure.
  6. S

    Another gourd question...ummm, bluebird?

    That would be awesome bluebird! Something to look forward to. Thanks! Kat
  7. S

    Pics of our pond and garden space

    Chicken boy, yes those are cows in the first pic. We lease the pasture to a neighboring farmer. We won't have time to raise any cattle ourselves until my SO retires in 2 years. Then we plan to raise heifers. As for the green grass, that's what the cows did. ;) Thanks for the compliments.
  8. S

    Pics of our pond and garden space

    The first pic shows some of our pond. I remember someone asking about ponds decorations, structures....sorry, ours is au natural. :) The second pic is of the area that will become my garden space, Lord willin' and the creek don't rise.
  9. S

    Another gourd question...ummm, bluebird?

    'k, it's corny, but I bought a bag of small ornamental gourds during Thanksgiving week to put in a basket and decorate my table. Now that I've moved on to my Christmas corniness, is there anything I can do with these gourds? They weren't expensive, so I could just toss em; but can I try to...
  10. S

    Lavender how to's?

    Sorry reinbeau, I corrected my signature and profile. It's SW Arkansas (zone 7B) aka h**l on earth in the summertime.
  11. S

    A stunted looking peach tree

    Pat, I think the tree is approx. 10 years old, but small. I'm bettin' his mama started it from a pit. It could have the bound roots, but no way for me to be sure. It's just weak and pitiful looking. Rosalind, the closest other peach trees are maybe a 1000 yds away in the old orchard. They do...
  12. S

    Lavender how to's?

    Now that there is all this fertile land just begging for me to garden in it, I'd really love to have a whole plot of lavender. Don't know how well it would do with our hot, humid summers; but I'd sure like to try. I could probably devote an eighth of an acre (or even more) to it. Anyone grow...
  13. S

    How long have you been gardening

    I don't recall actually. I know as a child I was always planting whatever seeds I could get my hands on, in whatever type of container I found. I think planting things gave me a sense of permanence when I had none, being a military brat. As an adult I have lived in many places, but there's...
  14. S

    giant beautiful weedy plant

    Pat, as we say here in the South, you just ain't right. :gig Reinbeau, smurf food? :lau
  15. S

    What have you got still blooming?

    You just wait! Here in Arkansas we are pushing this cold down to y'all as fast as we can! j/k :)
  16. S

    giant beautiful weedy plant

    The plant is beautiful, but it's growing habits remind me of kudzu. There are some places in the south where you don't stand still for very long unless you want to be covered in kudzu. Also imported (for erosion control). Boy was that a mistake!
  17. S

    What have you got still blooming?

    Go to the forum announcements category at the top of the index. There's a thread there that gives you a link to look up your zone. It's like the 5th thread down I think.
  18. S

    What have you got still blooming?

    Nothing...unfortunately. :( It's going to be a long winter! In the meantime I keep myself content reading gardening catalogs over and over again until they fall apart and dreaming of chickens chickens chickens. :jumpy
  19. S

    A stunted looking peach tree

    Now for the peach tree question. Peach trees usually do pretty well in this area. The one we have inside the yard fence however is small, stunted looking and produces maybe 1 or two peaches a season. The peaches it produces are small and usually fall off before they ever get close to ripe. I...
  20. S

    Helping a grapevine to thrive

    Have two different fruit and vegetable questions today. I'm going to post them seperately so my feeble mind doesn't get confused. There is a grapevine growing on one of the yard fences. It's probably pretty old, at least 12 years old or so. It always looks scrawny and gets some kind of black...