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  1. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    I dunno about that . . . I've got a Ninja too, just found it today, it's already 4" long or more! I can't quite understand how I missed it, but I did! And heck, after missing not one, not two, but THREE baseball sized zucchini last year, I'm willing to believe that ANY vegetable can be a ninja...
  2. Whitewater

    What to make with little green granny smith apples.

    How many apples do you have? Green Apple Mead might be nice . . . Whitewater (especially if people like it dry and tart . . . )
  3. Whitewater

    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    We shared the first cucumber between us tonight, sliced it and ate it raw. It was WONDERFUL. Have you guys ever noticed that the stuff that comes from your gardens has a lovely smell that the grocery store stuff doesn't have? I couldn't quite believe how lovely the Eureka cuke was. This is...
  4. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    I am pleased to report that I harvested our 1st Eureka cuke today! It looks ready to me, it's about 2.5" across and about 6" long, pretty light green stripes on a dark green background -- I took a picture, I'll put it up on my Webshots photos soon -- and it just seemed ready to pick. It...
  5. Whitewater

    Losing my patience with my Pole Beans....

    At least you have beans, however temporarily. Count your blessings! My vines don't even have *flowers* yet, and the smallest, shortest vine is 4' tall!!! At this rate I'll get beans just in time for the first snow . . . *sigh* I can't help. I don't even know what to do in order to make my...
  6. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    As for gardening -- Got the first San Marzano tomato today, but I talked about that in another thread. Was pleased to see a couple female flowers with squash on them on my yellow crookneck plants, I had no idea that they are this much later than the Black Beauty regular ol' green zucchini ...
  7. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    LOL, ninny, 'princess' .. . :) I've always been a tomboy and used to changing my own tires (and lights, and in theory oil) on my car, mowing the lawn, painting the walls, putting up the Christmas tree, building whatever, all by myself. I learned to be self-reliant VERY early (well before my...
  8. Whitewater

    YAY! First Tomato!! (finally!)

    So excited to see all you guys having ripe tomatoes too :) It's almost as much fun to hear your stories as it is to share mine! Got the first San Marzano today, I know it's a paste tomato, but I think this one is going to be sacrificed to curiosity and cut up and tasted and so on perfectly...
  9. Whitewater

    Show off your volunteers! **pics**

    Actually, I don't! Except for the blasted buckthorn, which is officially an invasive weed and you don't want pictures of it anyway . . . About the only thing I have growing right now that I didn't plant are a couple strawberry plants, edging their way right past the concrete border of their...
  10. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Ok, this actually is a garden update! I am pleased to note that our two cucumbers (so far) are growing nice and fat, probably helped out by all the rain -- it's raining now -- and high temps and humidity we've been having in the last few days. I think these will be eaten fresh! It's a...
  11. Whitewater

    YAY! First Tomato!! (finally!)

    Went out today and discovered the first black krim to have a blush. Unfortunately, the tomato has a tenant, a teeny weeny little white spider, who has taken up residence in a dime sized hole in the bottom of the 'mater. If he's not out by tomorrow, I'm going to evict him! Whitewater
  12. Whitewater

    How are Things in the Tomato Patch?

    Yay, the first Black Krim has a blush! But BOO because there's a teeny weeny white spider living in it and the spider has made a dime-sized hole in the bottom of the tomato!!!! Poop. Ah well, I have other BK's, which I am sure will ripen *any time now* -- and they don't have spiders in them...
  13. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    What you are about to read has nothing to do with gardening, so if you were looking for an update on my garden, don't read this! (But be patient, I haven't gone outside yet today, so there will probably be an actual post about my garden in a while). It's also VERY long, so please bear with me...
  14. Whitewater

    YAY! First Tomato!! (finally!)

    I am doing the happy dance because there is FINALLY a tomato ripening on my windowsill, having shown its first blush this afternoon. Would have come on here sooner with the announcement but I was helping to pull stumps and then had to run errands and then was offline for *hours* putting my new...
  15. Whitewater

    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    A couple of days ago I sauteed the 1st green zucchini and had it over rice. It's a simple meal, and I find that I really feel full with *our* zukes instead of the ones from the store, which always leave me hungry again in a few hours. I think in the next few days I'm going to boil the carrots...
  16. Whitewater

    Ideal Chickens for the Home Flock.....

    Our Australorps are on the list, funny, I didn't figure them for 'heritage' breeds since they weren't developed until the 1920's, but hey, whatever! Anyway, my definition of 'heritage' is somewhat tainted by the fact that I live quite a lot in the 17th century and usually have to find things...
  17. Whitewater

    Heirloom vs Hybrids

    In my opinion I don't think that hybrids are 'better' than heirlooms, or vice versa (except in the matter of taste, when it comes to certain veggies. My tomatoes and my zucchini are heirlooms because they taste SO MUCH BETTER, for example ). They both have their pros and their cons. I suspect...
  18. Whitewater

    How are Things in the Tomato Patch?

    I haven't had any issues with cracking . . . and only a few have catfaced (which I don't mind at all, proves they came out of my garden and not from frankenseeds destined for the grocery store!), mostly on the Mortgage Lifter. My big issue right now is blossom drop. Now all the 'maters have...
  19. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Well, we're definitely having success on some things (peppers, tomatoes, zukes) but really struggling on others (beets, beans, cukes), and some stuff like the carrots and the radishes, I've given up trying to manage and am just letting them do their thing! LOL! Oh, I put a link to all my...
  20. Whitewater

    Wine Making At Home... good starter kit?

    Tell your husband that homebrewing ale is REALLY super easy -- from one who's done it numerous times -- and you don't HAVE to buy the brand new starter kits they advertise (of course, if you happen to have the extra $150 it's a lot easier . . .), all you need is to scour Freecycle and Craigslist...