Hubby (and I, to a lesser extent -- I hold the funnel! And stir! LOL!) is a novice to the world of ale homebrewing, but he seems to have a knack for it and everything we've done -- with one exception -- has turned out splendidly.
That one exception was our attempt to make historically...
At Epcot, in Walt Disney World in FL, they have quite extensive hydroponic gardens and you can take a tour of them (which we did, when we were there about a year ago for our honeymoon -- it's REALLY cool to see everything they're growing!!! And the price isn't too bad, about $15 each, I highly...
You know, I experienced this last year . . . wrote about it here on the forum this spring . . . and yet, I forgot.
Yesterday the 1st zucchini to survive to adulthood was 4" long (at most!) and about 1ish inches around. Too small to pick. I looked at it, said '2-3 more days' and forgot about...
Last night we had Santa Cruz style stuffed Anaheim chilis, the chilis came from my garden but we bought the onions and garlic :)
They were really good! I particularly liked the stuffing, which (if I add shrimp or crab, or another different sort of cheese, or all three) will also make a...
We have an apple tree in our front yard -- planted it the fall we moved in here (this is our first home!), let's see, that would be back in 2008. So, the tree is 2ish years old, almost 3?
This year for the first time it was absolutely covered in blooms and it looked SO PRETTY and smelled...
Um. No. I am not sure at all that they're mature yet. I have never done this before!
I will wait until I see some splitting :) Thanks for the tip!
In other news 2/3 zukes are duds, but the 3rd is coming along nicely, and I hope to be able to pick and eat it this week.
Baby cucumbers are...
My cukes (yes, we have 'em -- two itty bitty ones!) and my zukes (we have 2 of those, too) appear to be getting pollinated by ants and sweat bees.
I haven't seen a honeybee for weeks, not since I let my radishes bolt.
I'm a bit south of you, OP, but you should get *some* kind of edibles...
Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later, I suppose . . .
I killed a bean plant. I was weeding yesterday and doing a very thorough job because I hadn't gotten to it in a while (bad back) and when I was pulling out a bunch of stubborn weeds, I accidentally pulled out a bean plant...
Well . . .
ALL of my tomatoes, heirlooms and hybrids alike, are still green. Really green. But around here, we're a bit late, the early varieties *should* have begun ripening a couple weeks ago -- my Early Girl tomato is still merely yellow, not red, though hopefully that will change soon...
Over the last few days I figure I've picked about $5 worth of peppers, 2 jalapenos today and 2 Anaheim peppers a couple days ago.
Yay. I have now recouped 10% (total, what with the strawberries and carrots, etc) of my starting costs! LOL!
I like seeing the looks on the faces of my friends when I tell them that yes, THOSE tomaotes and THESE strawberries and THAT zucchini all came from an initial investment of no more than $3 each, either per plant or per seed packet. It's like my produce looks like it *must* have cost an arm and a...
Around here, we call that da, er, *darn* thing Buckthorn and it is an invasive weed!!!! Get rid of it by any and all means necessary including fire, because once you have it, it WILL spread and choke out *everything*, good plants, weeds, grass, EVERYTHING.
Wild birds and rabbits eat the seeds...
Yesterday I picked our first 2 Anaheim chili peppers, which were about as big as the ones in the store, which I was pleased to see. I also got a handful of carrots, both purple and regular, and Hubby and I munched on them last night. I have found a Spanish recipe for stuffed Anaheim peppers...
I would love to join a CSA. Unfortunately, up here a single share is, on average, $500. And that's too much for self and Hubby to pay, even though we could probably use all the food every week, somehow.
Even going in with another couple would still be prohibitively expensive.
Personally I'd...
I suspect that I've got a ton of microclimates in my yard . . . you, me, and digitS are all having such different experiences, it makes me want to find out why!
It seems very odd to me that you and I, lesa, can both be in zone 4 and have a 180' difference in what's growing and what's not.
I don't seed save, I just don't have enough space!
Last year, my 1st year gardening, I bought seeds from big box stores that happened to have a home & garden section. I still did that some this year, BUT
A) I did my research on the companies I was buying from
B) I bought heirloom varieties...
Well, happily we have reached the stage in the veggie garden where we are just weeding and waiting! The Black Krim and Mortgage Lifter tomatoes decided to get with the program and start producing, I have TWO Mr. Stripey tomatoes (though one is pretty badly worm eaten, too badly to even bother...
We enjoy roasted veggies (well, *I* do and our friends do, Hubby won't touch other veggies at all, so he gets a portion of just zukes! LOL!) and zukes roast in the oven pretty nicely, particularly with the juices of a beef or chicken roast. It's really easy! Oh, and they grill well (we put them...