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  1. Whitewater

    What is this? PIC

    This just popped up a couple of days ago, full grown (or so it seems! LOL! I didn't notice it!). It's growing behind my strawberries -- which are now filled with buckthorn, ARGH! :barnie Here's the only pic I have so far, the flowers are really the only pretty part. It's very tall, about 5...
  2. Whitewater

    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    We had fresh baby carrots, raw, with a bit of radish dip as part of the barbeque! Whitewater (they were SO YUMMY there aren't any left! LOL!)
  3. Whitewater

    1st Carrot Harvest Today! Wow! PICS

    Yay, I was only going to *thin* my carrots today (they all wound up growing in 2 big clumps and a couple smaller clumps) when to my surprise I discovered that thinning carrots meant that I got a good handful of baby carrots -- easily enough to share at our barbeque tonight. :D I got a bunch of...
  4. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Well, things are coming along, slowly but surely. We got a TON of rain (flooded the main freeway here with 2-3' of water, among other things) recently in the last couple days and the morning after the rain, I looked at my veggie garden and could NOT believe my eyes. Everything, almost (with...
  5. Whitewater

    I'm back from vacation! Adding pictures post #8

    It's literally deathly hot and humid . . . heck, when we were there in early Sept (in Orlando), my gods, the heat and humidity . . . it was even worse than summer in Manhattan, and that's saying something. The only time Hubby and I weren't sweating was when we had the AC cranked all the way...
  6. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Am pleased to report that my Mr. Stripey and Mortgage Lifter tomatoes have finally gotten with the rest of the program and have produced a single tomato each, LOL! That might be ok for the ML, only being one plant, but I have *two* Mr. Stripey plants and really ought to get more than one tomato...
  7. Whitewater

    Today's harvest

    Wow, so beautiful. I'm crazy jealous right now :) My poor bean plants are barely a foot tall, my cukes half that size, and I've got little button sized green tomatoes on my vines (although I have finally seen a Mortgage Lifter tomato yesterday, yay!). As for my zukes, they're just barely...
  8. Whitewater

    Carrot flower

    Potterwatch -- The SAME EXACT THING is happening to me in my garden. The orange (called red) Nantes are doing all right, but I planted purple dragon and red dragon from Seed Savers this year and BOTH the dragons are flowering, and looking the same as yours. A tall stalk growing out of the lacy...
  9. Whitewater

    holy cow, it's hot!

    88'F and very sunny. Heat index of 92'. Thank goodness the humidity is only 46%, if it was higher we'd all be dying. As it is, it's bad. Ugh. I don't mind the heat (I love desert heat!) but high humidity knocks me down almost immediately. Hubby and I are seriously considering Vegas for our...
  10. Whitewater

    The Any Wonderful Food You Made From Your Garden Today Thread!

    Yesterday I made another 10ish oz of strawberry jam from my organic strawberry patch. I didn't can it since it probably will last about two weeks before it's gone :) Just stuck it in the fridge! I got 1 8oz jar and one 3ish oz jar from about 3/4 of a pint of berries that came from my own back...
  11. Whitewater

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    How about this? Just took it today, it's our first ever raspberry! Whitewater
  12. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Yep, that would be me. I also don't like rose water, either, it's just too soapy. So, what do I do about my carrots that are showing flowers? Pick them and say 'Good Luck Next Year'? Leave them alone and hope that next spring I'll get actual carrots? Leave them until fall? I have no idea how...
  13. Whitewater

    What should every garden have?

    Sticker shock is why there are 4 baby raspberry canes in my back yard right now (speaking of which, we got our first raspberry today! Yay!) . . . 3 oz of the little suckers are $2.99 ON SALE at our local grocery store and organic ones are even more expensive. Same with blackberries and...
  14. Whitewater

    What to do with a bunch of radishes??

    I found a recipe for a Radish Dip on a blog . . . we made it and it was absolutely fabulous. The basic recipe is 2c sliced radishes, 8oz plain cream cheese, 2c chopped parsley, some scallions or green onions (we used chives), some lemon juice and some salt. You can add other herbs or feta...
  15. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Nope, there's no cilantro anywhere near this house, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. :P It's carrots, all right. So if they're a 2 year plant, does that mean we get to pull them up and eat them *next* summer? Inquiring minds want to know! Whitewater
  16. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    I have discovered, to my shock, that we are now a good 3 weeks behind, despite our early spring. At least, according to last year's garden records, which suggest that we were eating a ton of zukes and getting our first tomatoes and peppers at this time. I am not really surprised, those 3 weeks...
  17. Whitewater

    UPDATE: Argh!!! Children!!!

    We have a fence. 2' worth of cement blocks, and 3' of wire on top of that on the one side, on our yard side, a 4' chain link. Can't electrify it, as much as I *dearly* want to, we'd be sued by the parents in half a heartbeat if one of their kids got zapped. We also can't afford to tear down...
  18. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Yay, our tomato plants finally got with the program! Everything except the Mortgage Lifter (and I confidently expect to see baby tomatoes in the next couple days) and the two Mr. Stripeys has at least one tomato on it! The Black Krim and the San Marzano currently lead the Tomato Stakes for...
  19. Whitewater

    UPDATE: Argh!!! Children!!!

    Those bloody little despoilers came into my garden AGAIN (climbed over the fence) and managed to SQUISH one of my prize heirloom, shipped-from-California, totally-organically-grown, spent-6-weeks-inside, babied-with-lots-of love EXPENSIVE (did I mention expensive!?) Anaheim Chili plants. So...
  20. Whitewater

    Disappointed in Cherokee Purples

    I have Cherokee Purple and Black Krim in my garden this year, I will try both of them (that is, if they EVER produce a tomato, the BK's have 3 flowers total between two plants . . . ) and tell everybody my opinion. I am looking forward to them both, though in the Hybrid Vs. Heirloom Stakes...