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  1. Whitewater

    What should every garden have?

    Herbs -- Dill, basil and sage are the ones we use most, and I have saved a ton of $$ growing them instead of buying them. Rosemary too, though depending on where you are, maybe not. Here in zone 4 rosemary is pretty much a harvest-and-dry end-of-season herb. Veggies -- lettuce! Tomatoes...
  2. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Wow, Steve . . . I don't know whether to commiserate or congratulate! Yay for greens, but dang, the warm weather just isn't showing up for you, is it? I will put in a plea to the Weather Gods on your behalf! It almost makes me feel guilty to announce that we have our first tomato...
  3. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Am pleased to report that after a dry 48 hours -- most of which was sunny too -- everything has picked back up. In particular the beans have gotten not only their 1st true leaves but their 2nd and 3rd leaves as well, and the cukes and zukes are working on their 2nd leaves also. One of the zuke's...
  4. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    My strawberries are rotting on the 'vine' (plant?) because we're getting way too much rain. They just have no chance to dry out. Ever. The vegetable garden is also waterlogged and some of my peppers are beginning to show signs of stress. There's a mushroom in the chicken coop. Which I will...
  5. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Thanks, Hattie! (btw, not ignoring, just . . . need some time!) We're getting still more rain in the next 48-60ish hours. And my Mortgage Lifter is JUST NOW getting its groove on. *sigh* And I have to re-sow half my zukes, apparently those blasted children pulled up more than the one they...
  6. Whitewater

    What was your gardening experience, if any, as a child?

    I am my Nana's child, I'm pretty sure. My mother doesn't garden, not really. She dabbles in perenialls (sp?) and occasionally plants a pretty plant or keeps a house plant alive (she has an orchid in their sunroom), but she doesn't garden like loves the earth, happily gets dirty, pores over seed...
  7. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Today, my worries about my garden seem silly. My brother just lost the tips of the two middle fingers of his right hand. It was a freak accident at his workplace -- he's a shipwright and a new incoming boat to repair (they restore wooden ones) fell off the trailer and crushed his fingers. I...
  8. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Oh, no, it's raining again. Just when my plants were finally starting to pick themselves up and look around them after coping with too much rain *last* week. *sigh* You know, I know there are a lot of people out there who are desperate for rain, who are watering every day and watching their...
  9. Whitewater

    Whats wrong with my squash?

    The milk and water combo works wonders, I had a bit of powdery mildew last season (and probably will again this season) on my zukes and the milk took care of it. Had to get rid of the affected leaves, though, even though I didn't get any *new* ones. The plant looked pretty bald for a while! I...
  10. Whitewater

    Am I stealing???

    To me, it's like the old story (which I had always heard involved Winston Churchill, but probably is really attributable to somebody else!) WC, talking to a beautiful woman at a social event: "Madam, would you come to my bed for the sum of a million dollars?" She flutters her eyelashes and...
  11. Whitewater

    UPDATE: Argh!!! Children!!!

    Ok, I was going to write a long screed about kids coming into my garden (again! I put a fence up! A big one!) and about how they uprooted one of my heirloom zukes (the only one of that variety to sprout, too . . . *grrr*) which was different from them looking for grasshoppers . . . then I...
  12. Whitewater

    The Community Garden Project - The Easy Garden Community WEIGHS In!

    I should like to report that yesterday I made two 8 oz jars of strawberry jam from 1 pint of my own strawberries. Organic strawberries, around here, are currently $3/pint (non-organics are quite a bit less) and organic jam is $3.75/8 oz jar. So aside from the sugar and the lemon juice (which...
  13. Whitewater

    My harvest

    WOW! I can only hope that by mid-August, I am taking similar pictures :) That looks awesome! How many bean plants did you plant? That looks like a TON of beans, right there. Whitewater
  14. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Journal entries -- why do you think I'm doing this ? :) With luck I'll be able to read this over next year and go 'oh, ok' and plan appropriately for the 2011 garden! I typically agree with you mostly on most things, Steve, but I have to gently point out that tennis the game was invented...
  15. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    I have beets! More have popped up in the days since my last post. And some of the first are getting leaves that are almost 6" tall . . .LOL . . . can't wait until they finally get to be eatin' size :) We're not going to have a bumper crop of beets, but I'll definitely have more than one meal's...
  16. Whitewater

    Growing strawberries?

    Congrats! You'll have fresh-from-your-garden strawberries in time, hopefully, for your 4th of July celebrations :) Whitewater
  17. Whitewater

    When to harvest zucchini?

    As for when you *stop* picking them, well, mine last year continued right up until we had our first killing frost, very early, like, the 2nd week in October. I'm pretty sure that there's nothing you can do to make them quit giving you zukes until that 1st frost!!! Granted, as the weather got...
  18. Whitewater

    Growing strawberries?

    Leave the flowers, that's what turns into a strawberry -- if they've been visited by bees or other pollinators. Yes, they do look dead and yes, it's pretty disconcerting! If after a week or two you start seeing a little spring green colored knobby bit with some browner seed-looking things...
  19. Whitewater

    The Community Garden Project - The Easy Garden Community WEIGHS In!

    So far I've picked 18 Cherry Belle radishes. Since I don't buy radishes (never have) can somebody tell me approximately what that would have cost me? It hasn't been enough for my recipe, though . . . .recipe calls for a cup of roughly chopped radishes. If I roughly chopped these radishes I'd...
  20. Whitewater

    New Picture of The Week?

    Just FYI -- Minneapolis doesn't have a Conservatory. What they do have is a lovely rose garden, but that's seasonal. No wonder you couldn't find what you were looking for, digitS! Saint Paul's Como Park Conservatory truly is a wonder to behold, everybody should visit if they have the chance...