Search results

  1. Whitewater

    Best Strawberries For The Northeast..?

    I never heard that strawberries need an acidic soil . . . blueberries, definitely, but not strawberries. This year I put compost in my patch and it's very obvious where the compost is -- there's a clear line between where the compost went (huge berries, big happy plants, berries turning red...
  2. Whitewater

    Best Strawberries For The Northeast..?

    I'm in the north, not north east, but last year was my first year with Honeoyes and like you, I found that they're not a great fresh berry. HOWEVER, they made the most fabulous, superb strawberry jam of all time. I think it's because they're so tart. For the northeast you might want to try...
  3. Whitewater

    How to amend + add soil without spending a dime?

    In my neck of the woods, there is ALWAYS 'free dirt' or 'free fill' on Craigslist in the 'free' section. . ., and then choose the city nearest you from their list. Free to post, free to email, Craigslist (if you haven't heard of it) is like a big ol' online garage sale, and...
  4. Whitewater

    I wish this was my farm

    In many ways, I prefer the pics of your farm, B, thanks for taking them and showing them to us! (As soon as I have anything worth taking pictures of besides radishes, I'll post some too!) Whitewater
  5. Whitewater

    Information on Bees

    As to strawberries, hoodat, I've got 2-3 in my patch ripening right now that I have grown organically from the start and are just as big, if not bigger, than the tasteless, woody ones you buy in the store. I am so excited to taste my own :) Will get pics when they get picked. Whitewater
  6. Whitewater

    Slow Gardening?

    Nope, he's still exceeding his bandwidth! Whitewater (who *always* spreads out chores, who wants to do them all at once? Yuck!)
  7. Whitewater

    1st Harvest Today!

    We've been getting two or three radishes a day, since those first ones :) The beets are taking their own sweet time coming up, but every day I see a new one, so I guess we didn't lose as many to birds and weather as I feared. Here's a link to a pic of the radishes, for some reason I can't...
  8. Whitewater

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Wow -- I FINALLY got around to planting my cukes (*Eureka) and beans (Blue Lake Pole) today. Yikes. Planted all my squash yesterday, and I think I'm very glad that all the planting is finally done. Started weeding, and am finding carrot sprouts in the wierdest places, LOL. That's what you get...
  9. Whitewater

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Today I am finally getting around to planting the last of my veggies -- Anaheim chili and jalapeno peppers as young plants, then cucumbers, Blue Lake Pole Beans, and a whole bunch of summer squash, yellow crookneck, regular green zukes, and pattypans. I'm planning 2 plants of each squash...
  10. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Ok, so I still haven't sown my cukes, beans or squash BUT I did get the Mortgage Lifter in and the Anaheim Chilies out of the house, though now because there's no drainage holes in their plastic cups, they're probably getting drowned out of existence . . . dangit. And the planted plants in my...
  11. Whitewater

    Just put up some chive vinegar!

    Ok, so I drained the liquid off of the flowers yesterday and wow, I got more chive vinegar than I expected, nearly 2 pints worth! I will know that for the future. It's a beautiful deep pink color, and smells really good, though when I took an experimental sip my eyes crossed and my hair stood...
  12. Whitewater

    1st Harvest Today!

    And it was the radishes, believe it or not. They were ready faster than the strawberries, even, and the strawberries typically are the first things year after year. I took some pictures of the radishes -- there were 4 that were ready-- and I'll get that picture up tomorrow, probably, right now...
  13. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Well, I finally got half of my peppers planted today, but in so doing I squished (and dug up) a few carrots, accidentally. *sigh* I also planted the Mortgage Lifter and watered the veggie garden pretty deeply, everything was getting wilty in this heat. And I did a bit of weeding...
  14. Whitewater

    Name Your Heirloom Tomatoes For This Year!

    I would like to announce that I picked up a HUGE (easily 2 feet, probably closer to 3 feet tall) Mortgage Lifter tomato plant yesterday, at (of all places) my local big box grocery store! This year they have gone the all-heirloom route, which is kind of cool. They get their plants from a...
  15. Whitewater

    Just put up some chive vinegar!

    Well, it's day 3 of the chive vinegar experiment and so far, so good. The flowers have risen to the top of the container (but since I stuffed them in, there's only a bit more than an inch of clear liquid at the bottom of the jar!), the vinegar has turned a lovely rich pink color, and I am sure...
  16. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    Oh, yes, it's lovely to have warm weather! Unfortunately being rainless isn't quite happening yet-- this morning Hubby and I woke up to a completely unexpected MAJOR thunderstorm and it's supposed to rain most of the next 10 days, although the temps will be a LOT warmer than the last time and it...
  17. Whitewater

    Radishes and Carrots and Lettuce, Oh My!

    I wanted to let everybody know that we do actually have radishes now, I have seen a few with their little round red roots popping up through the dirt! Hopefully in a few days they'll be ready to pick. I also saw more than a few carrot sprouts in our garden yesterday, which I hadn't noticed...
  18. Whitewater

    Gardens gone wild!

    Wow! :thumbsup That all looks great! Do you ever have to stake your peppers? Last year staking was all that kept my young jalapenos upright, but then, none of my peppers really got much more than a foot tall. Yours look much more like reaching their full potential! You've got so many...
  19. Whitewater

    Just put up some chive vinegar!

    I'm planning on making salad dressing/sandwich fixin's with it, a la oil and vinegar, using the chive vinegar and some olive oil. If it works it might be a decent base for a meat condiment, or something too. we'll have to see! Whitewater
  20. Whitewater

    Just put up some chive vinegar!

    Here's hoping I got it right :) I snipped off about half the heads of my chive 'bush', and wound up packing 2 pint canning jars (Bell, brand new). Then I got some distilled white vinegar at Costco (all-natural, it says) and put the vinegar over the chive flower heads. Given the mass of the...