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  1. Whitewater

    The Beauty of Beets

    I boil beets with butter and salt . . . real simple. I'm going to try roasting them, though, because (even though I haven't seen any evidence of them in our garden yet!!!!) I planted a whole ton of them and if even half of them grow, we'll have way too many to eat ourselves. So, the plan is...
  2. Whitewater

    Calla lillies in containers?

    Around here, I've never seen them OUT of a container. I'd love to see a picture of what they look like in the ground, I've only ever seen the cut version for bouquets or potted lilies for church decorations etc. I'll bet they look nice. Whitewater
  3. Whitewater

    Tennis Ball Lettuce taking forever, what gives?

    I dunno if anybody's ever heard of Tennis Ball Lettuce, it's a heirloom variety that is an ancestor of the Boston Bibb, if I remember correctly, and when I put it in my garden nobody either around me or online seemed to know exactly how long it would take to germinate. Research indicated 10-14...
  4. Whitewater

    Rain, Rain, Go Away...

    journey -- We had what you're getting. It gets worse before it gets better. We had cold, rainy, dank, not-able-to-plant days for THREE SOLID WEEKS recently and it has just lifted over the last few days. Yeah, I was going crazy. That weather almost killed and definitely stunted my hybrid...
  5. Whitewater

    My First Ripe Tomato!! PIX

    Wow, that looks fabulous, congrats! I haven't even put my baby tomatoes in the ground yet . . . should have, a couple weeks ago, but this dank, cold, wet, humid, SNOWY stuff showed up and hasn't gone away (well, it's in the process of leaving right now, but still) yet. So, my young plants are...
  6. Whitewater

    Grow $700 of Food in 100 Square feet

    Wow, I guess I never realized just how much food you could grow in a (relatively) small space! I really like this article, it encourages people to garden who might not have the stereotypical big garden space. Here, I know a lot of people grow in community gardens and their spots are only 4x8...
  7. Whitewater


    The new Cavendish strawberries I got earlier (from Ebay, of all places!) are really doing well, they love this icky, grey, wet weather -- lots of leaves! The strawberries that have already flowered (thank you, lovely April) and were growing berries -- I have All-Stars, Quinalt, Honeoye and Ozark...
  8. Whitewater


    Greetings, Karrie! :welcome Whereabouts in MN are you? How has this weather affected your plants? Whitewater
  9. Whitewater


    Hi, Andi! Welcome! Whitewater
  10. Whitewater

    Is Organic Worth It?

    I am also on the organic bandwagon. However, I need to grow (and then can or otherwise preserve) most of my own organic veggies, fruit and herbs, because I can't afford to buy 100% organic groceries. Let's face it, it's a heck of a lot cheaper to buy a $3 tomato and grow it organically, and then...
  11. Whitewater

    Frost Mitigation

    My brother's vines (cukes, pumpkins) died totally because like lesa, we had snow too! Well, when I say 'we' I really mean most of the city, except us. Hubby and I received no precip but it was very cold! My tomatoes survived thanks to them being small enough to put under gallon-sized plastic...
  12. Whitewater

    My Sage Has Flowers . . . ?

    Last year, my sage grew and was healthy, and thrived. Even managed to harvest some leaves to dry (which lasted until Thanksgiving! LOL!). This year, it's even bigger and more luxuriously leafy, but I've noticed what can only be flowers growing on last year's stems. This isn't going to stop it...
  13. Whitewater

    Growing basil with tomatoes

    I don't know anything about basil in the garden (this is my first year with it, and it hasn't been warm enough yet to do so without killing the poor young plants!) but I was astounded to see what happened to the basil after I was forced to pot up my young tomatoes and keep them under the grow...
  14. Whitewater

    A chart of seed companies

    I thought this was very interesting . . . Whitewater
  15. Whitewater

    Name Your Heirloom Tomatoes For This Year!

    I am adding a Mr. Stripey (the big Bonnie version) to my heirloom list, as of today. I was at a big box store (with the same initials as Harley-Davidson!) and lo, they had this variety. I was surprised because normally in our neck of the woods it's pretty much a hybrid-only zone (of course, my...
  16. Whitewater

    Dumb question about apples . . .

    Oh, my, I don't think I can wait until October now! I'm so excited about our apple tree and what all those pretty blossoms mean! :D Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it. Whitewater (feel free to keep discussing!)
  17. Whitewater

    Damping off..!

    I've got that going on too . . . the constant rain over the last week (with more to come, boo! :barnie ) plus high humidity and cold temps has pretty much killed everything I tried to harden off when it was warm and sunny. The basil I planted might come back, the rest, gone. Dead. :he...
  18. Whitewater

    Herb crazy...whats in your herb garden?

    In a small 3'x6' bed next to the house (and conveniently by the back door!) I've got: Lavender (forget which kind, but it creeps instead of stands upright) Mammoth Dill (still needs to sprout!) Fernleaf Dill (volunteer seedlings from last year) Cilantro (for salsa) German Chamomile (which...
  19. Whitewater

    First Strawberries of the Season

    Here in zone 4 my strawberry blossoms are still forming and opening, though we've had blossoms pretty much the whole of April. Your picture makes my mouth water!! I literally go out to our patch multiple times a day to check and see if any of the flowers have dropped their petals and are...
  20. Whitewater

    Dumb question about apples . . .

    Honeycrisps are FABULOUS eating apples, my hands-down favorites. To me, they are crisp, not mushy like some apples can get, they're sweet and tart, and they have a distinct though mild honey undertone. I am pretty picky about apples and I love, love, love Honeycrisps. And it's not just because...