Can't seem to find the answer anywhere, hoping you folks will know!
So, this year for some reason our 3 year old apple tree is positively LOADED with blossoms, that look gorgeous and smell heavenly. Needless to say, Hubby and I are thrilled! Particularly since last year wasn't really worth...
Ah-ha :)
Thanks to Pat and Ridgerunner, I won't even put my lids/rings in the dishwasher now, didn't know you weren't supposed to. This will be the first year we have (hopefully) anything to can, so there ya go.
Last year's garden produced plenty of fresh, and a few oz of salsa and jam, but...
Excess of what? Dill? Radishes? Both?
The easiest way I know of to store excess dill is to dry it and then put it in a jar in your spice cupboard. Around here, dill never sits around and loses its essence, even dry, we love the stuff. :) Anyhow, I have personally experienced dried dill that...
It's just a list of tomato diseases . . .
I found the pictures of each issue very helpful, though, I've never experienced any of this stuff and sometimes it's hard to get an accurate mental image if words are all you have to go on.
Last year I did basic disease prevention by severely pruning...
I can't answer that one, but I know that our dishwasher does an excellent job of sterilizing the beer bottles we use in home brewing (and all of the rest of the equipment as well!), so I just assumed that I'd sterilize my canning jars and lids in our dishwasher.
Granted, we have a relatively...
Mine are doing the exact same thing, but because it's a very new patch (I only planted the raspberries last year!) I'm going to leave everything the way it is for this year and most of next and see what happens.
I was told that raspberries produce fruit on their 2nd year canes, so if you plant...
I don't know if I do square foot gardening or not (I am severely math impaired, so all those calculations are beyond me!) but last year I planted my tomatoes about 15" apart and they did quite well. Yes, I had to do some pruning, but it wasn't that bad, and yes, they shaded each other, which...
My darling though clueless hubby (at least, when it comes to gardening, he's really very intelligent generally) went today, all by himself -- without consulting me (that's important to know! LOL!) -- and dug up the front flower bed of the front of the house, which is in total shade (so much so...
Black Krim
Cherokee Purple
San Marzano
Valencia (maybe, there may not be room!)
and a couple of hybrids, but you wanted to know about the heirloom ones.
We want to make sauce, and I'd like to find a really flavorful heirloom that makes my mouth go 'Wow!'. We're going to grow at least two...
Ok, my strawberries have taken off and are already flowering! Not to mention putting out more runners. That one single Honeoye plant has become a half dozen plants, and my strawberry patch looks fantastic.
I can hardly wait!
To accommodate all 15 Cavendish strawberries (which I did...
Well, folks . . .
WE'RE DONE! That's right, Hubby and I (and a friend) busted our humps over multiple days and did all the work by hand -- but we're finished. We've tamed the wilderness and we're finally ready to plant!
We discovered in the course of getting down to business that the total...
In case anybody has been wondering where I've been . . .
I've been planting!
I sowed a bunch of chamomile seeds and dill in the herb garden (and yesterday I noticed a bunch of dill from last year popping up here and there . . . 3 volunteers total . . . when they get a bit bigger I will move...
Just another update . . .
I am pretty pleased, this is my first time doing anything like this and out of the 16 total basil sprouts that I had germinate, I still have 13 of them. 4 of 6 balsam plants, and every single one of my sweet banana peppers. Yay!
Interestingly enough, one of my...
I need some ideas . . .
The patch of land that I'm going to put veggies on (and where I grew veggies with good results last year) is only about 1/4 reclaimed. That's the part that I physically dug up by hand last year so that I could plant 6 zukes, 4 pepper plants and 2 tomatoes. They didn't...
Today I put the raspberry canes in the ground . . . the ones I bought at the store this past week :) Might be a bit early but they are ready to go! I also used last year's tomato cages to put a bit of a fence around them and protect them from our dogs, who tend not to notice things like baby...
Tee-Hee :lol:
For those of you who don't know about the BackYard Chickens forum (it's a sister site to this one, about raising urban chickens in your backyard, and I've been yapping over there about our newest endeavor), my hubby and I decided recently to have chickens and I've been running...
Hello and welcome! :frow
By sheer coincidence, I'm getting some Cavendish strawberries to put in my patch this spring, I've heard they were developed up near you folks.
You've found a great forum, it's always busy and the people are great.
Today, here in the Great Frozen North, it's 35'F, and that is as warm as it's been all day!
Needless to say, no gardening is happening. I am hoping that my strawberries (which were growing new growth like gangbusters last week, when it was in the 50's) and apple tree (showing buds) and...
Welcome and congrats on getting back into it :) I spent a few weeks in Maine once in the early summer a few years back and really enjoyed the lifestyle you folks have up there -- it quite strongly reminded me of life in the US back in the 40's and 50's, when everybody knew their neighbors and...
I have more sprouts too! About 75% of last year's sweet banana peppers have come up, and about half of the final basil. Still waiting for the chives and the Rainbow Mix bell peppers, but since I only planted them less than a week ago, I'm not fussed :) Apparently chives can take forever to...