Well, I figured on letting them grow (I have the same jiffy starter that you do) until they have a couple sets of real leaves, instead of just their initial leaves (the cotyledons).
Then *I* was going to transplant them into 2" fiber pots, and from there into 8oz plastic cups (I have a lot...
Now I don't feel so abnormal for being so excited! I love to read your guys' sprout stories.
Today I discovered a sweet banana pepper sprout that was already tall and had a leaf, and two more that were still all curled up and stuck in the peat, they'll be up in the next couple of days, I...
Thanks, everybody!
Heh, just checked on the babies today and discovered that one of the flower 'balsam' seeds has sprouted -- and that seed pack was from last year! Yay! :weee I planted 9 of them, so I hope the rest come up eventually, I'd like to put them in the front flower beds.
And we...
Hey there :)
I can't answer your questions about tomatoes, but I wanted to warn you about summer squash. Most of its varieties are well-known, perhaps even infamous, for producing a TON of veggies. With 15 plants you better LOVE squash! And you better have a large family that loves squash, and...
4 days after I stuck the (teeny) basil seeds into the peat seed starter stuff, guess what?
I've got sprouts! Or whatever you call them, the first green things that poke up out of the peat. They are a lot smaller than I thought they would be, but I guess it makes sense, the basil seed was also...
Well, I finally got to plant something, so I can join this thread now!
Yesterday I started a ton of genovese basil and sweet banana peppers inside, in those little peat pot trays. I hope they sprout!
Now, of course, I'm worrying about whether they have enough light, if it's too humid...
I'm fine with the drift :) Now, if we were to suddenly start talking about something that hasn't got anything to do with the tomatoes themselves, well, I think the mods would step in! :lol:
Whitewater (who is interested in this discussion, muchly!)
I forgot! I forgot about the Eureka cucumber seeds I ordered from Ebay. It's a nice small # (only 25 seeds, so that should be enough for this year, and next year . . . ) and they only shipped them (in theory) today, so I probably won't get them until next week sometime.
Those are the only...
Aye, professional nurseries start their plants inside . . . but you know, no, that never did occur to me. I just didn't figure that out! Probably because I am not a professional anything when it comes to gardening, this is only my second year ever trying to grow anything :) I also have two (yes...
Finished? Not hardly :) I've bought all the seeds that I need (and found some sweet banana pepper seeds from last year in the pantry, whoo hoo!) but buying plants . . . there's no rush. They can't even be shipped to me until Mother's Day (May 9th, this year) so there's just no point. I will buy...
I am reminded of the truism, "We never stop learning until we're dead!" (and one could argue that even death doesn't stop the learning process . . . )
Yep, in zone 4 it's always a bit difficult to know when to start plants inside! Put it this way, even with the early spring we've got right...
I have finally decided on the varieties of tomatoes I want this year! And since all but two of them are new to me (for growing and for eating!) I'd love to hear your opinions about them.
In no particular order:
Early Girl -- This one I planted last time and it was ok. I didn't find the taste...
Last year, towards the end of August (just about 3/4 of the way through the 'safe' growing season around here, when there were plenty of tomatoes, peppers, and zucchini -- yikes, the zucchini -- growing in our garden), I came home from work one day to find a disturbing sight.
Our garden was...
Well, I guess this is my newbie-ness showing . . .
I planned a terrific garden for this summer. Researched, drew diagrams, looked info up online, found this forum (yay!), went and bought a seed-starting kit and seeds . . . have plans, solving problems (in theory, I'm doing a lot of thought...
Well, I've always thought the bottom two tiers of the food pyramid ought to be reversed! And I think we all ought to eat a whole lot more 'whole' food (apples instead of apple juice, *all* the kernel instead of extracting the bran, etc) and a lot more veggies and fruit anyway.
And of course...
So . . .
This year in my garden I'm planning on growing a bunch more peppers than last year, 'cause here in zone 4 the plants produced a half-dozen peppers each last summer . . . I need more peppers than that!
I know about cross-pollination and the fact that it happens in seeds, but I'm...
Last summer in my small but sunny herb garden (and it is small, it's 3'x6'!) I planted herbs and and some of them didn't do so well but a few thrived.
I know that winter will have killed the tarragon and the lavender, but I still have the old (now dead *looking*) dill and sage in my herb...
More seeds . . .
German Chamomile (organic) from a company I've never heard of -- Botanical Interests -- bought because I didn't realize this but it's supposed to be sown as soon as the soil can be worked, which is going to be early for us this year, so best be prepared!
Purple Dragon...