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  1. Whitewater

    Garden Whipping! - Updated: pg21

    Catalina, wow, what an inspiration! Well, maybe not the snow :) But you're not responsible for that! LOL! I live in MN too (St Paul) and your garden makes me want to figure out what we can do with our little plot of land! Do you mind if I ask a question? Actually, a couple questions! How do...
  2. Whitewater

    Your First Signs of Spring

    This may sound funny (and I'm sure it is funny! LOL!) but it's a true sign of spring around here, mostly 'cause our winters are so harsh. One of the very earliest signs of spring here where I live just happened a couple days ago -- we got our first door-to-door solicitor of the season! Not...
  3. Whitewater

    Cavendish Strawberries?

    Right now I have Ozarks, All-Stars, Quinalts and a single Honeoye plant in my patch -- I'd like to try to expand it with different berries so that I have a good mix for jam, which is the primary reason I'm growing strawberries (I LOVE strawberry jam!!). I enjoy the All-Stars too for fresh...
  4. Whitewater

    Some seeds ordered

    Wow, that sounds like a great bunch of seeds! I'm going to try Roma tomatoes this year too, I tried making tomato sauce from what I had last year, and it was ok, but not what I was looking for. Made great picante sauce, though! Just a word about the Sweet-N-Early melons . . . we planted those...
  5. Whitewater

    Cavendish Strawberries?

    Has anybody had any experience with these? I'm interested in putting them in my strawberry patch (we're going to expand the patch this spring!). The notes from various growers and nurseries have all kinds of really good things to say, but I know that you can't always trust advertising! So I'd...
  6. Whitewater

    Seeds So Far . . .

    Ok, I went to Fleet Farm today and bought some seeds, mostly the root veggies that can go in early, I can wait on the peppers and cukes and so on because I don't want the seedlings to get TOO big inside!! (Unless you direct-sow cucumbers, which I never have been able to figure out . . . can you...
  7. Whitewater

    Whe do I pull up a tomato?

    This past fall, my first time growing tomatoes, I was wondering the same thing you were, OP, about when to pull them. Because even into September my Early Girl and my 'Tomato' plant (seriously, I bought the plant at Home Despot and that was all they called it . . . the nursery's colors were...
  8. Whitewater

    All this Snow....

    Well, here in Minnesota we've been dealing with snow since mid October, so I feel your pain! Currently we have a bunch of snow on the ground because it's been a very snowy winter, more so than in the past few years. Personally I prefer snow, because then it doesn't get man-killingly cold...
  9. Whitewater

    U.S. Farm Bureau Declares War on Sustainable Food

    Gosh, that definition of 'extremist' seems a bit broad!! I mean, I garden organically (and at least half my garden this year is heirloom varieties) *and* I do often question the methods of big agriculture . . . but I never considered myself an extremist. Just sensible. *grin* Does this make me...
  10. Whitewater

    they are planted but how long before i see progress

    It's totally true that tomatoes need warmth to grow! While I haven't dared start a tomato from seed yet, last year all three of my tomato plants did the same thing -- they sulked and pouted and wouldn't grow in early summer (which around here is late May, early June-ish) but as soon as the hot...
  11. Whitewater


    Many good things are happening out here, I'm in the research-and-planning stage of preparing for spring, and one of the things I found was that our local Fleet Farm (sort of a Wal-Mart for All Things Outdoor, they also have Carhart and chicken feed and tools, etc, for those of you who haven't...
  12. Whitewater

    A Favorite Tea?

    I love the scent of coffee but it's way too bitter for me . . . same with beer . . . there must be something about the bitterness for me! That said, I love me some jasmine (phoenix pearls are lovely, when I can afford them!) in my green tea. Green tea with jasmine is probably in my top 5...
  13. Whitewater

    Choices farmers have to make, you chose

    Huh. Let's just take a good look at this, shall we? I garden, largely for food, mostly because I can't afford fruit and veggies on my limited income, so my garden is a necessary part of living a healthy lifestyle. So, technically, I farm. I am an American Family farmer, because I grow crops that...
  14. Whitewater

    for those who buy plants/seed on ebay . . .

    Thanks, journey! Heh, I learned all of that through trial and error :) And that guy I was talking about, he also has peppers and an eggplant variety, though I was wrong about the plant price, it's $2.99, which is comparable to buying live plants here at home. Shipping is $10 no matter how...
  15. Whitewater

    Seed suggestions?

    Not this year, *maybe* next year (possibly the year after that), we're going to start our BackYard Lawn Re-Greening Project. I may have already mentioned that when we bought our house it hadn't been lived in for at least 2 years and clearly the people who lived it it before that didn't give a...
  16. Whitewater

    Care of Bare Rooted Plants?

    Hmm . . . let's see . . . Somebody called 'denowolfes1' for the strawberries and lakesuperiortreefarm for the raspberry plants. The nice thing is that both of these sellers will hold the plants until spring, ie, early May, so I don't have to keep them in the basement or anything until then...
  17. Whitewater

    for those who buy plants/seed on ebay . . .

    I have bought stuff on Ebay for years now, and yes, I've had a few problems but by and large, the good experiences massively outweigh the bad. I've only had one seller not want to make things right and correct his mistake, but then, he was out to scam new Ebayers (which I was at the time) for...
  18. Whitewater

    Is food cheaper to grow?

    Well, last year being my first time as a gardener and trying to put together a first garden (in the backyard of a house where people hadn't gardened AT ALL, not even to aerate the lawn, in probably a decade . . . weeds like you would NOT believe), we certainly spent FAR more than we made. Far...
  19. Whitewater

    Care of Bare Rooted Plants?

    Well . . . Even though I know it's kind of early (I don't have the ability to start baby plants inside) to start thinking about getting my hands on some new plants, I couldn't help myself and started to cruise Ebay, looking for some cheap replacements for the raspberries that the blasted . ...
  20. Whitewater

    Hey, It's Me!

    Hey :) Duh, I forgot, we have a big ol' two-fisted 'hank' of chives somewhere out in the back yard (near the strawberry patch, I believe) that came with the house when we bought it! I am strongly considering pulling it up and transplanting it into the herb garden a few feet away, mostly...