My peas have been up for a couple weeks now! Wee! I need to plant 20 more feet of peas tomorrow...
We haven't had much rain so they aren't really that big right now.
We had snow yesterday! But very little and it was super wet. Its been so windy and we've had no rain at all here really, my pastures are all dry and dusty :/ I put a polytunnel over my tomatoes which are planted out right now, it got so hot in there today that they started looking wilty!! I had...
Man I haven't been on here in AGES, well at least it feels like ages but its really more like 3 weeks. Things are growing here like absolute MAD.
My 20ft of peas are looking fabulous! We haven't had much rain so I've been having to water them, they're a teensy bit stunted because of the lack...
My starts indoors just the other day. They were hanging out in my bedroom window with a grow light over them (its a sewing light that is supposed to mimic daylight, just realized a few weeks ago before having to start plants that we had this amazing light lol) until they got big enough to...
Gigantic Thistles and Stinging Nettles + a few weird weeds I have no idea the name of lol
Thistles are the WORST here, they get stems of around 3"!!!! And last year some got to over 7ft!!
Mine that went in a couple weeks ago are starting to push earth now and pop up in the raised bed :D I'm going to have to cover them if the weather gets nasty, but with all this LOVELY weather we've been having trees everywhere are starting to open up leaves. Unfortunately it is concerning for me...
I'm re-planting some Lupins, Cukes, and Pumpkins into bigger pots plus I'll be planting some lettuce in the next week or so, onions and potatoes today.
And I just sprayed my fruit trees... No one told me to wear a cover suit, so now I'm orange LOLLL
Oh Oh and my PEAS are sprouting! Weee! I...
It's about -3*C right now and windy. Last night it was -17*C!!!!!!
Today I'm working on the goats pasture fencing and cleaning up the property, then getting my dad from the train station around 7pm..
LOL I gave up on trying to dig posts on my hillside. We moved our calf hut to the goat pasture yesterday to use as a run-in shelter for the goaties and found this ENORMOUS boulder hahaha.. huge... my neighbour is like "ahh you can put in paige wire fencing no problem, my auger will go through...
Wasn't it just gorgeous Pat?! Actually Baldyhen died today and I was astounded that I was able to dig a grave for her! This time last year I was super frustrated that I couldn't get a post in the ground and today I dug down 2ft!
Yeah our house is 150 years old. We know the septic is behind the main house (brick house) and we know it was emptied the year we moved in by the farmer who severed the homestead. We have access to our cellar below the brick house, but no access to the one below the kitchen/wood house and we've...
It's 5*C (41*F) out and very sunny but also with winds at 10km/h
And today I plan on moving the wood pile and going to Tweed to take the puppies in for their first shots/vet checks!
I have no idea where all our water goes lol. We had 2 sets of plumbing in our kitchen sink, one is blocked and the plumber reckons that went to a cistern outside (we found a big white plastic thing when the dog dug it up lol, its only a patch but we think thats the cistern the old owners used...
ducks4you, it doesn't hurt to try! do you have some left over peeds (pea seeds LOL) you can try on like 2 or 3 and see what happens! maybe i'll give it a try today.... humm
Spring is only halfway here lol. Though we have to get on with Spring cleaning before all the puppy buyers start coming up here to see the dogs/puppies and the farm. The place looks like a dive right now. Today alone I have to..
Move the woodpile from the porch to between 2 trees (we don't even...
In our area we have "The Farm Meat Shop" just north of Belleville which sells naturally raised, government inspected beef, pork, and chicken as well as free range eggs.
Stirling farmers market is great for sweetcorn, there is usually this guy there that has the sweetest sweet corn EVER. Its...
This is *perfect* Nadine!
I wish I had photos of my nans garden before she moved, she had a relatively small garden but it was gorgeous. She had a gate put in to the park behind it because she wouldn't allow us kids to mess up the yard.