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  1. L

    Garden Spacing

    I do 2.5-3ft, I like the idea of 2ft more though because Lowes has rubber mulch in strips that are 2ft wide LOL so it'd be an awesome path for me.
  2. L

    My Spring Orchard - Show yours!

    I meant to buy something last year but couldn't decide and came upon a local garden centre a little late. They didn't have any stock of the tree I wanted/needed left but they tell you what goes best with what tree, which is nice lol. We're buying more apple trees this spring, a couple of...
  3. L

    My Spring Orchard - Show yours!

    We have 12 fruit trees thus far 5 Apple (Gala, and something else I can't remember the name of LOL, 3 of them are from last season and the other 2 are from the season before that) 2 D'anjou Pear (need to buy a pear of another variety to go with these to get something out of them) 3 Nectarine...
  4. L

    Outdoor straw cold frame or Indoor fluorescents?

    I had a hay bale cold frame last year. I didn't use it much at all, but I used a french door for the lid and propped it up.
  5. L

    My Cement RANT!!!!!!!

    hehehe... we have to jackhammer a 12" deep foundation down by the barn this summer.
  6. L

    My Cement RANT!!!!!!!

    Home Depot sells a product specifically made for painting on the old concrete (you can also mix it into the new stuff) to create a bond between the two. It kind of reminds me of elmers glue actually LOL. I had to use it on the goat shed when we fixed the foundation.
  7. L

    Septic field planting?

    Thats what I was saying. You can purchase big boxes of wildflower seeds and just toss them down, covering the area with a bit of plastic to keep the birds off it of course. It'll look fantastic, and you can just mow pathways throw it, maybe put up a temporary arbor, and create something of a...
  8. L

    The "English Garden"

    :( None of my garden centres are open, although I saw that Rekkers was open when I was in town yesterday! So perhaps I'll have to stop in there next Saturday. I meant to go to Canada Blooms this year, we always do, and we always pick up bulbs while we're there but it kind of slipped my mind...
  9. L

    This ought to be a good one.....who is from BYC??

    LOL except the part where we only have one truly bilingual province and one french one ;) And neither are BC.
  10. L

    Purty kool row cover hoop system

    Awesome page! I saved it to my favourites, this could come in handy for the small kitchen garden and to protect some of the more delicate flowers in the winter.
  11. L

    Septic field planting?

    I wouldn't plant on it, what you could do though is perhaps throw down some wildflower mix and mow pathways. I've seen this done a lot out here, and we do it on the hillside in one of the goat pastures in the summer. It explodes with wildflowers and we mow grass areas and pathways in goat...
  12. L

    The "English Garden"

    Well next saturday I have to make a trip into Bowmanville so we're going to hit up Home Depot and that and pick up some bulbs that will flower at various times of the spring and summer. I like to start with the bulbs, last year we did a huge planting of daffodils and glads in the front garden, a...
  13. L

    The "English Garden"

    I had thought about tilling up the square in the ground and the plopping down my bed on top of it. As I told vfem, the beds are mostly to keep it organized so we have pathways through it. We did this at the old house and rarely watered, except for the hottest of days. We also water from rain...
  14. L

    The "English Garden"

    LOL well I guess I'll have to start following your blog! Perhaps I'll create my own too... Humm.. We had a hectic english cottage garden in the backyard at our old house that was done in 12" deep raised beds and we rarely watered. The point of the english garden is low maintenance and local...
  15. L

    The "English Garden"

    Pat, we're planning on doing these in a deep raised bed. We do actually have quite deep soil in the front garden, our picket fence posts were able to go down to 4ft! And in the fields we can do as low as 3ft into the soil for fencelines. So we're not *too* bad. We call it "Rocky Rawdon" but its...
  16. L

    The "English Garden"

    I did see her photos when she was working on it and I liked it but its a tad too formal for our place. The land here itself is kind of crazy and reminds me of Cumbria. She's also in a different area to us so what may grow amazing where she is, isn't going to do so well here. I'm hoping to have a...
  17. L

    Moon and Stars Watermelon

    I haven't grown watermelon yet, but there was one that I think was called something like "baby sweet" or something like that. They were like a miniature watermelon, I thought that would be real sweet... split it in half and use a melon baller and you've got instant breakfast :)
  18. L

    Seedlings not growing(pics)

    I don't know if you can get them, but I've never had much luck with the peat pots and you are so right, they dry out like nobody's business! I found these coconut fibre pots last year and they're fantastic. I really liked that I could just pull them apart when I planted really easily. My plants...
  19. L

    The "English Garden"

    I love the butterfly bush, gorgeous colours! I have Lavender in the kitchen garden right now, but I could rehome some or buy a few more plants for the other side of the yard. I love the idea of lots of purples, I've recently fallen in love with blue irises so I'm hoping we can grow some! We...